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#328 (Feb 12, 2025, 3:00:51 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 5.0-ALPHA-3Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#327 (Feb 12, 2025, 2:40:50 PM)

  1. TFT-382: Added Pair.isEven()/isOdd(). — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. Clean up and javadoc. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. TFT-383: API CHANGE: FunctionalCheckedExceptionWrappers now supports functional interfaces throwing Throwable. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. TFT-384: BundleUtilities no more throws MissingResourceException, but returns default string. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. TFT-385: BundleUtilities no more fails to retrieve a bundle with the Java 9 module system. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. Upgraded Hibernate for examples to '6.6.7.Final'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#326 (Jan 30, 2025, 10:50:38 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 5.0-ALPHA-2Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#325 (Jan 30, 2025, 10:40:38 AM)

  1. Added Javadoc. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. Upgraded Hibernate for examples to '6.6.5.Final'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. TFT-379: Fixed UML broken links in documentation. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. Site updates and reorganisation. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. Dropped useless dependency on JodaTime. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  7. TFT-380: AssertJ is now used in tests. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  8. Comment clean up in tests. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#324 (Jan 20, 2025, 10:05:32 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 5.0-ALPHA-1Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#323 (Jan 20, 2025, 9:55:32 PM)

  1. Changed Bitbucket Pipeline image. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. New version will be 5.0-ALPHA-1. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. Super POM upgraded to '5.16'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. Hibernate for examples upgraded to '6.6.4.Final'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. TFT-374: All 'aspectjrt' dependencies replaced with 'aspectjweaver'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. TFT-376: Exclude dependency to spring-jcl, which has package overlap with jcl-over-slf4j. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  7. TFT-375: Commented out references to jsr305 annotations, whose library has got a package overlap with java.annotation. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  8. TFT-373: Package renamed to avoid inter-module clashes. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  9. TFT-378: AspectJ-injected field is now private. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  10. TFT-373: Added support for Java 9 modules. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  11. TFT-377: LazySupplier refactored without 'volatile'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  12. Added comment. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  13. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  14. Test refactored. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  15. Updated links in site and README. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  16. Dropped obsolete Travis configuration. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#322 (Jan 10, 2025, 11:35:34 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 4.0-ALPHA-3Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#321 (Jan 10, 2025, 11:05:34 AM)

  1. TFT-369: Upgrade to jakarta annotations. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. TFT-372: Move UserNotification* and LockableView to SteelBlue. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. SuperPOM upgraded to '5.11.1'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. Updated Bitbucket Pipeline configuration. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. POM clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  7. Updated — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#320 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:50:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#319 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:45:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#318 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:35:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#317 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:30:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#316 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:20:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#315 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:15:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#314 (Jan 9, 2025, 4:00:37 PM)

  1. bitbucket-pipelines.yml edited online with Bitbucket — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#313 (Jan 4, 2025, 3:00:04 PM)

  1. Upgraded SuperPOM to '5.10.1'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. TFT-365: Now @jakarta.inject.Inject and @jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct are supported. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. Spotbugs clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. Updated copyright headers. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. TFT-364: RoleFactory now returns an Optional. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. TFT-366: Removed PowerOnMessage and PowerOffMessage. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  7. TFT-367: ReflectionUtils.getTypeArguments() doesn't work when baseClass is an interface. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  8. TFT-368: As.forObject() returns a delegate that doesn't support system RoleFactory instances. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  9. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 4.0-ALPHA-2Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  10. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#312 (Dec 29, 2024, 10:20:04 PM)

  1. TFT-363: Next version will be 4.0-ALPHA-1. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. Upgraded SuperPOM to '5.10'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. TFT-362 (partial): Prepared examples before moving all UI roles out. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. TFT-362 (partial): All UI roles moved out (to SteelBlue). — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 4.0-ALPHA-1Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  7. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb

#311 (Dec 25, 2024, 11:20:06 PM)

  1. Upgraded SuperPOM to '5.9'. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  2. Site improvements, added SpotBugs menu. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  3. QA clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  4. Examples now compile and run with JDK 21; Hibernate clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  5. Refactored and cleaned up. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  6. TFT-358: Fixed bogus dependency. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  7. New comment style. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  8. Fixed misleading log message. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  9. TFT-359: Added PowerOnEvent and PowerOffEvent. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  10. TFT-360: TypeSafeMap and TypeSafeMultiMap forEach() now is correctly generified. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  11. TFT-361: Removed a couple of JavaFX property keys from PreferencesHandler. — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  12. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.2-ALPHA-25Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb
  13. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / bitbucketweb