- Changed Bitbucket Pipeline image. (details)
- New version will be 5.0-ALPHA-1. (details)
- Super POM upgraded to '5.16'. (details)
- Hibernate for examples upgraded to '6.6.4.Final'. (details)
- TFT-374: All 'aspectjrt' dependencies replaced with 'aspectjweaver'. (details)
- TFT-376: Exclude dependency to spring-jcl, which has package overlap with jcl-over-slf4j. (details)
- TFT-375: Commented out references to jsr305 annotations, whose library has got a package overlap with java.annotation. (details)
- TFT-373: Package renamed to avoid inter-module clashes. (details)
- TFT-378: AspectJ-injected field is now private. (details)
- TFT-373: Added support for Java 9 modules. (details)
- TFT-377: LazySupplier refactored without 'volatile'. (details)
- Added comment. (details)
- Clean up. (details)
- Test refactored. (details)
- Updated links in site and README. (details)
- Dropped obsolete Travis configuration. (details)