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Full Log05:34:20.647 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.647 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:NeL1Kj2aJ08hkkCyd47839azU1w=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.648 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.789778 msec
05:34:20.648 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.648 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.648 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:_v2jx8QjcrSo8ZZL1TU0Z_jEpNY=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.649 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.71462 msec
05:34:20.649 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.649 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.649 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:UYHVYlK2RmhaI_G7vfv6HIhcK_Y=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.650 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.685336 msec
05:34:20.650 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.650 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.650 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:lqusSXJq_GjmK9cZBjp8Z95wPCg=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.651 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.686792 msec
05:34:20.651 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.651 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.651 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:uEzPGz_O9L9a_PGhUTgddTNuh_0=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.652 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.738388 msec
05:34:20.652 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.652 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.652 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:p9MHJjjiQH0yxPta_J5fD5QAeAM=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.652 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.673017 msec
05:34:20.653 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest - QUERYING TRACKS OF Works for Lute, Volume 2 (urn:bluemarine:record:S6sd3MP-mYeYknhtXIyzxxDTSWs=)...
05:34:20.653 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.653 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?track a mo:Track; rdfs:label ?label; mo:track_number ?track_number. ?record mo:track ?track; rdfs:label ?record_label. OPTIONAL { ?record bmmo:diskNumber ?disk_number. } OPTIONAL { ?record bmmo:diskCount ?disk_count. } ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal; mo:published_as ?track; mo:duration ?duration. ?audioFile a mo:AudioFile; mo:encodes ?signal; bmmo:path ?path. OPTIONAL { ?audioFile bmmo:fileSize ?fileSize. } } ORDER BY ?record_label ?disk_number ?track_number ?label
05:34:20.653 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [record, urn:bluemarine:record:S6sd3MP-mYeYknhtXIyzxxDTSWs=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.659 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 16 entities in 5.876731 msec
05:34:20.659 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.659 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.659 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:GwKlVwP1P4WEtHtkrdljAb7tEtY=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.660 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.930626 msec
05:34:20.660 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.660 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.660 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:iG4bNi6PorEXGYm4hEY6KLqea0A=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.673 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 13.161486 msec
05:34:20.674 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.674 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.674 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:R7RwQF_pme3iteF-pZmLHVYwRow=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.675 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.997423 msec
05:34:20.675 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.675 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.675 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:q5wtk4EyTOQUr1AnSN4-i8pX0oo=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.688 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 13.678707 msec
05:34:20.689 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.689 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.689 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:wRB1rbGH30xNvfWUTT1Msl6FEQU=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.690 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 1.049058 msec
05:34:20.690 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.691 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.691 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:XpMbdxcVW0qIR2exwyrIw2vXePU=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.705 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 14.729299 msec
05:34:20.705 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.705 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.705 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:K9wwUihbyY_gK3swzmqRX8B38lI=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.706 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.955407 msec
05:34:20.706 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.707 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.707 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:d57NmWrsgOnjb_7a81Ug9hxeD44=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.719 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 12.783773 msec
05:34:20.719 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.719 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.722 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:D7ZaxLdbRyecR8AL87Ap_-X1ODo=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.723 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 3.245561 msec
05:34:20.723 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.723 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.723 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:qZko1xB-cIlsOsG-MD1XebMyVaQ=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.733 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.62974 msec
05:34:20.734 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.734 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.734 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:TochsPM3eX2wt6F3fFXuAqRtgvs=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.735 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.810096 msec
05:34:20.735 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.735 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.735 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:LQ5k2pbBOJnrT464b3qIBmayxyo=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.745 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.586679 msec
05:34:20.746 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.746 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.746 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:NSitYrqjbB8mPb1h9jNTCOLYvHU=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.747 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.890588 msec
05:34:20.747 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.747 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.747 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:olREKn71u4Otg6ikgDc-ju9h-vw=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.758 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.859076 msec
05:34:20.758 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.758 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.758 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:xVDgAaoTHxJcwSR8udDa3VL_nds=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.759 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.801195 msec
05:34:20.759 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.759 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.759 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:HrAQLdxvvWUvDgXLUL59k_cEAPM=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.769 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.659366 msec
05:34:20.770 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.770 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.770 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:Z0nMD__RZgEQj59_EKb9IVgoKyE=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.770 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.75404 msec
05:34:20.771 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.771 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.771 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:LGvCglOnMMjXZplqDIfCM4pV11I=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.781 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.634977 msec
05:34:20.782 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.782 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.782 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:3g4Zl86KJgmClNxjhlgMDMturdA=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.782 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.829085 msec
05:34:20.782 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.783 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.783 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:fkf1pVJEiVJrHvrAyNlnjdEpVnw=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.793 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.630752 msec
05:34:20.793 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.793 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.794 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:hbAq84x-l3UyhIP_bKLuAWc_Vdk=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.794 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.811203 msec
05:34:20.794 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.795 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.795 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:FtsGArNP3n7D2UQRdgoU8y7PTkQ=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.805 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.882107 msec
05:34:20.806 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.806 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.806 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:FF5A_n1rwQbbgSgWFnBYcIbFyJ4=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.806 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.843353 msec
05:34:20.807 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.807 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.807 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:Q_tRlUqkzXnAzPMZ_Yyurx3NUKI=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.818 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 2 entities in 11.780681 msec
05:34:20.819 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.819 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.819 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:phfAVoaxWVlk7oPcBQ25oJpXEs8=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.820 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 1.018133 msec
05:34:20.820 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.820 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.820 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:8pnQYX-WdHb-Hdjc5yD87wyOPZc=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.831 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.996175 msec
05:34:20.831 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.831 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.831 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:n77MzKPVPOqDgAtD_zcQV8mEirY=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.832 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.810715 msec
05:34:20.832 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.833 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.833 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:JtLGKIQtFCUc4As7YzFoeJ3OTfA=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.842 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.263958 msec
05:34:20.843 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.843 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.843 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:bVOGQmT79kFk0hWom9O2mSdYYKw=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.844 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.822157 msec
05:34:20.844 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.844 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.844 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:ADlwv_UP5taFtsToQUlu9sp-oUc=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.854 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.512176 msec
05:34:20.855 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.855 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.855 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:2G8urH6SaDLwKQhCebbjdrVtQIY=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.855 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 0.787215 msec
05:34:20.855 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.856 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?artist ?artist_type ?label ?role ?performance ?source ?fallback WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?artist a mo:MusicArtist. { ?record foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker ?artist. } UNION { ?record foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } UNION { ?record mo:track/foaf:maker/rel:collaboratesWith ?artist. } ?artist rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?artist vocab:artist_type ?artist_type. } MINUS { ?artist vocab:artist_type "2"^^xs:short; rel:collaboratesWith []. } ?performance a mo:Performance. { ?performance mo:conductor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:engineer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:performer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:producer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance mo:singer ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:alto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:arranger ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:background_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:balance ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:bass_baritone ?artist. BIND (" baritone" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:baritone ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:choir ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:chorus_master ?artist. BIND (" master" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:contralto ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:editor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:lead_singer ?artist. BIND (" singer" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mastering ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mezzo_soprano ?artist. BIND (" soprano" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:mix ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestra ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:orchestrator ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:programming ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:recording ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:soprano ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance bmmo:tenor ?artist. BIND ("" AS ?role) } UNION { ?performance ?role ?artist. FILTER regex(str(?role), "*") } } ORDER BY ?label ?artist ?role
05:34:20.856 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [performance, urn:bluemarine:performance:JcMaPMYyMtMPkVIMzGcNP1sC1Qk=, source, "musicbrainz"^^<>]
05:34:20.866 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 1 entities in 10.820899 msec
05:34:20.867 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest - QUERYING TRACKS OF もうひとつのクリスマス (urn:bluemarine:record:Q2QW4sxqdRwCjoCYMmceTM4yd5o=)...
05:34:20.867 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.867 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?record a mo:Record. { ?record bmmo:importedFrom ?source. } MINUS { ?record bmmo:alternatePickOf []. } ?track a mo:Track; rdfs:label ?label; mo:track_number ?track_number. ?record mo:track ?track; rdfs:label ?record_label. OPTIONAL { ?record bmmo:diskNumber ?disk_number. } OPTIONAL { ?record bmmo:diskCount ?disk_count. } ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal; mo:published_as ?track; mo:duration ?duration. ?audioFile a mo:AudioFile; mo:encodes ?signal; bmmo:path ?path. OPTIONAL { ?audioFile bmmo:fileSize ?fileSize. } } ORDER BY ?record_label ?disk_number ?track_number ?label
05:34:20.867 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [record, urn:bluemarine:record:Q2QW4sxqdRwCjoCYMmceTM4yd5o=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.870 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 10 entities in 3.73941 msec
05:34:20.871 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.871 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.871 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:60jEjrTG08Ul_GuR_0Ck8hKkZjs=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.871 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.782147 msec
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:JKc2z0g65DFo0UeOOSbdFrLj2e0=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.630961 msec
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.872 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:v8-ie2uYS2644QO3itN58nbkOrI=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.873 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.610059 msec
05:34:20.873 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.873 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.873 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:f53ZYvDlBrF444vaFPaAgIO2ZmE=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.874 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.630301 msec
05:34:20.874 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.874 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.874 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:1f0J4eVMVReLncexRsw057-BzKE=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.875 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.628881 msec
05:34:20.875 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.875 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.875 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:GYu4REslqJ8w_29clFjZwyUmhMk=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.875 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.678902 msec
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:6y-8B9m_StBVUYOx5_m6JMzM-2E=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.62994 msec
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.876 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:poa_yr_3q0whsQijpOWszX-GJ8A=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.877 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.591429 msec
05:34:20.877 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.877 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.877 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:8Px52KYhbgwWNK75-R6DsbTWkLQ=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.878 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.626062 msec
05:34:20.878 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.878 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?performance a mo:Performance. ?performance bmmo:importedFrom ?source. ?performance mo:recorded_as ?signal. ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal. ?signal mo:published_as ?track. } ORDER BY ?performance
05:34:20.878 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [track, urn:bluemarine:track:01L_niBPzDNNf_cQhSqYEbkNxhw=, source, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.878 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 0 entities in 0.583362 msec
05:34:20.879 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest - QUERYING ALL AUDIO TRACKS...
05:34:20.884 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.884 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?queryCount) { SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?audioFile a mo:AudioFile; bmmo:path ?path; mo:encodes ?signal; OPTIONAL { ?audioFile bmmo:fileSize ?fileSize. } ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal; mo:duration ?duration. } }
05:34:20.885 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [source, "musicbrainz"^^<>, fallback, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:20.980 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 3063 in 95.197983 msec
05:34:20.980 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - query() - interface
05:34:20.980 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query: PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rel: <> PREFIX bmmo: <> PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX vocab: <> PREFIX xs: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?audioFile a mo:AudioFile; bmmo:path ?path; mo:encodes ?signal; OPTIONAL { ?audioFile bmmo:fileSize ?fileSize. } ?signal a mo:DigitalSignal; mo:duration ?duration. } ORDER BY ?path
05:34:20.980 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query parameters: [source, "musicbrainz"^^<>, fallback, "embedded"^^<>]
05:34:21.178 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.i.catalog.finder.RepositoryFinderSupport - >>>> query returned 3063 entities in 198.120258 msec
05:34:21.443 [main ] INFO it.tidalwave.util.test.FileComparisonUtils - ******** Comparing files:
05:34:21.443 [main ] INFO it.tidalwave.util.test.FileComparisonUtils - >>>> path is: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/
05:34:21.443 [main ] INFO it.tidalwave.util.test.FileComparisonUtils - >>>> exp is: test-classes/expected-results/musicbrainz-iTunes-fg-20161210-1-dump.txt
05:34:21.443 [main ] INFO it.tidalwave.util.test.FileComparisonUtils - >>>> act is: test-results/musicbrainz-iTunes-fg-20161210-1-dump.txt
05:34:21.498 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest - TEST PASSED in 74414 msec
05:34:21.498 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest -
05:34:21.503 [nvoker-afterMethod()] INFO i.t.bluemarine2.commons.test.SpringTestSupport - Closing Spring context...
05:34:21.503 [nvoker-afterMethod()] INFO - Closing startup date [Mon Nov 19 05:33:05 CET 2018]; root of context hierarchy
05:34:21.528 [main ] INFO i.t.b.m.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest - FINISHED TESTS OF it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 136.613 sec - in it.tidalwave.bluemarine2.model.impl.catalog.RepositoryMediaCatalogTest
Results :
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:report (report) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Loading execution data file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] Analyzed bundle 'blueMarine II - Catalog' with 34 classes
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (default-jar) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.0a08efdd6d45.jar
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:jar (package-jar) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.6:test-jar (package-test-jar) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.0a08efdd6d45-tests.jar
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.0a08efdd6d45.jar to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog/1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/pom.xml to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog/1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.0a08efdd6d45-tests.jar to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog/1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.3:findbugs (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Fork Value is true
[java] Warnings generated: 23
[INFO] Done FindBugs Analysis....
[INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.7:cpd (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.7:pmd (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:checkstyle (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] There are 94 errors reported by Checkstyle 6.11.2 with it/tidalwave/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml ruleset.
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] >>> clirr-maven-plugin:2.7:clirr (default-cli) > compile @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog >>>
[INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.4:create (default) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 0a08efdd6d45 at timestamp: 1542602070906
[WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository:
Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-maven) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[echo] DESCRIPTION: 1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT-0a08efdd6d45 UNKNOWN
[echo] Java Version: 1.8.0_111 -source 1.8 -target 1.8
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (create-unwoven-classes-dirs) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.2:resources (default-resources) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 9 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.0:compile (default-compile) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.codehaus.mojo.clirr.ClirrReport
[INFO] <<< clirr-maven-plugin:2.7:clirr (default-cli) < compile @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog <<<
[INFO] --- clirr-maven-plugin:2.7:clirr (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Skipping execution
[INFO] --- javancss-maven-plugin:2.1:report (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] >>> maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:analyze (default-cli) > test-compile @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog >>>
[INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.4:create (default) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 0a08efdd6d45 at timestamp: 1542602071590
[WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository:
Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-maven) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[echo] DESCRIPTION: 1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT-0a08efdd6d45 UNKNOWN
[echo] Java Version: 1.8.0_111 -source 1.8 -target 1.8
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (create-unwoven-classes-dirs) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.2:resources (default-resources) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 9 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.0:compile (default-compile) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] --- aspectj-maven-plugin:1.9:compile (weave-classes) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Showing AJC message detail for messages of types: [error, warning, fail]
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:unpack (unpack-testset-triples) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Configured Artifact: it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediascanner:tests:?:jar
[INFO] Configured Artifact: it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-metadata-musicbrainz:tests:?:jar
[INFO] Unpacking /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/MediaScanner/target/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediascanner-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.0a08efdd6d45-tests.jar to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/extra with includes "expected-results/**/*.n3" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/MusicBrainz/target/it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-metadata-musicbrainz-1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT.0a08efdd6d45-tests.jar to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics/workspace/modules/Catalog/target/extra with includes "expected-results/**/*.n3" and excludes ""
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.2:testResources (default-testResources) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 12 resources
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.2:copy-resources (default) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 6 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.AnalyzeMojo
[INFO] <<< maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:analyze (default-cli) < test-compile @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog <<<
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:analyze (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog ---
[WARNING] Used undeclared dependencies found:
[WARNING] org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-model:jar:2.1.4:compile
[WARNING] org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-query:jar:2.1.4:compile
[WARNING] org.springframework:spring-core:jar:4.3.0.RELEASE:compile
[WARNING] org.springframework:spring-context:jar:4.3.0.RELEASE:compile
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-util:jar:3.1-ALPHA-2:compile
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-role:jar:3.1-ALPHA-2:compile
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-util-java8supplement:jar:3.1-ALPHA-2:compile
[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:jar:tests:1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT:test
[WARNING] org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-rio-n3:jar:2.1.4:runtime
[WARNING] org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:jar:1.3:test
[WARNING] org.mockito:mockito-core:jar:2.3.7:test
[WARNING] org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.21:runtime
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediascanner:jar:tests:1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT:test
[WARNING] org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-repository-sparql:jar:2.1.4:compile
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-role-spring:jar:3.1-ALPHA-2:test
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:jar:1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING] org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-repository-sail:jar:2.1.4:compile
[WARNING] org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-sail-memory:jar:2.1.4:compile
[WARNING] org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.21:runtime
[WARNING] it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-metadata-musicbrainz:jar:tests:1.0-ALPHA-21-SNAPSHOT:test
[WARNING] org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:1.16.12:provided
[WARNING] ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.1.3:runtime
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled