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#708 (Feb 3, 2025, 1:47:17 PM)

  1. STB-140: REGRESSION: Fixed some UML references broken in documentation. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. STB-139: Add ad-hoc test assertions. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. Repackaged. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.0-ALPHA-3Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#707 (Feb 1, 2025, 4:04:00 AM)

  1. Dropped obsolete LGTM badges. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. Updated IDEA files. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. QA clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. Example code refactored. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. STB-138: Large refactoring and dead code removal. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  6. Javadoc clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  7. STB-87: The application process now properly exits after quitting. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  8. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.0-ALPHA-2Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  9. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#706 (Jan 21, 2025, 11:33:36 AM)

  1. STB-135, STB-136: Added Scene finalizers, JMetro dark style no more hardwired. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. Changed base name of properties. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. Updated site. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. SpotBugs is now an optional dependency, POM clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. Added javadoc and clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  6. Changed docker image for Bitbucket Pipeline and clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  7. OpenJFX version set to 21.0.1. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  8. TheseFoolishThings upgraded to '5.0-ALPHA-1'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  9. Super POM upgraded to '5.16'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  10. Redesigned support for @PresentationAssembler so it's compatible with modules. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  11. Next version is 3.0-ALPHA-1. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  12. STB-137: Add support for Java 9 modules. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  13. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.0-ALPHA-1Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  14. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#704 (Jan 15, 2025, 4:03:37 AM)

  1. Super POM upgraded to '5.12.1'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. STB-124: AssertJ is now used for test assertions. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. STB-125: MenuBarControl now populates multiple items on the main menu bar. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. STB-126: Added MenuIndex.VIEW. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  6. Updated site and README. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  7. STB-127: API CHANGE: UserActionProvider.getActions() now returns List<UserAction>. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  8. STB-128: API CHANGE: PresentationModelCollectors toCompositePresentationModel() now accepts Collection<?>. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  9. Fixed logger binding for JavaFXSpringAnnotationApplication. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  10. Refactored. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  11. STB-123: Fixed flashy rendering when expanding an item in TreeView. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  12. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.0-ALPHA-4Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  13. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#699 (Jan 11, 2025, 4:02:38 AM)

  1. Super POM upgraded to '5.11.1'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. TheseFoolishThings upgraded to '4.0-ALPHA-3'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. Updated Bitbucket Pipeline configuration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. Added apiguardian-api. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. STB-111: StringRenderable merged to Displayable, HtmlRenderable and PlainTextRenderable renamed to *Displayable. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  6. STB-112: LocalizableDisplayable merged to Displayable. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  7. Refactored. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  8. PresentationModel clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  9. STB-116: Added Mutable and MutableListeners. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  10. STB-113: ActionProvider dropped. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  11. JavaFXBinder refactored (extracted ButtonBindings). — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  12. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  13. Example tests refactored with ArgumentCaptor. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  14. Small fixes to site and javadoc. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  15. STB-114: K_LOG_DELEGATE_INVOCATIONS property allows to automatically log method calls to PresentationDelegates. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  16. STB-115: Added UserNotification and UserNotificationWithFeedback. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  17. Added tests for Displayable. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  18. Updated project description and URL. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  19. Updated — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  20. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.0-ALPHA-2Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  21. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  22. Fixed typo. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  23. Bitbucket pipelines now correctly disable tests in the "no-ci" group. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#698 (Jan 5, 2025, 11:31:06 PM)

  1. Upgraded SuperPOM to '5.10.1'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. STB-97: Fixed erroneous indexing of "File" menu. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. STB-99: New Maven coordinates; next version is 2.0-ALPHA-1. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. STB-107: New module Core; packages it.tidalwave.role.ui.* renamed to it.tidalwave.ui.*. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. STB-106: MenuBarModel, ToolBarModel renamed to MenuBarControl and ToolBarControl, introduced JavaFXMenuBarControl,JavaFXToolBarControl. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  6. Upgraded TheseFoolishThings to '4.0-ALPHA-2'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  7. STB-98: UI roles moved in from TheseFoolishThings. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  8. STB-101: Replaced @javax.annotation.Nonnull, @javax.annotation.PostConstruct with @jakarta.annotation.Nonnull, @jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  9. STB-103: Better error diagnostics when there's an error referencing/loading FXML. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  10. STB-102: PreferencesHandler is now injected to PresentationDelegates. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  11. STB-105: Added bind() methods to bind unidirectionally and bidirectionally properties. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  12. STB-104: bind(ButtonBase, UserAction) was erroneously setting an empty label to the button when the action has no Displayable. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  13. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  14. STB-108: Fixed enablement of Buttons when UserAction enable property changes. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  15. STB-100: Exceptions thrown by PresentationDelegate methods returning void are no more swallowed. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  16. Updated copyright headers. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  17. STB-109: The JavaFX thread check now throws IllegalStateException. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  18. Added a few tests. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  19. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.0-ALPHA-1Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  20. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#697 (Dec 28, 2024, 4:01:56 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.1-ALPHA-6Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#696 (Dec 27, 2024, 9:32:14 PM)

  1. Fixed Bitbucket pipelines config. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. Upgraded SuperPOM to 5.9. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. Refactored bean instantiation and added test. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. STB-81: ToolBarModel is not in Spring context. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. STB-82, STB-83: Role runtime classes no more on the Spring Context; beans are no more installed twice. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  6. STB-84: Init property definitions renamed (prefix is now K_). — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  7. Example code refactored and cleaned up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  8. TheseFoolishThings upgraded to '3.2-ALPHA-25'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  9. STB-79: Improved initialisation: added method launch(). — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  10. STB-80: Added @EnableMessageBus which enables pubsub. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  11. Dropped JavaFXApplicationWithSplaesh.fullScreen accessors; refactored. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  12. STB-85: Added properties K_MAXIMIZED and K_FULL_SCREEN_LOCKED; accessors dropped. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  13. STB-86: The splash screen stays visible for a minimum time. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  14. Clean up. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  15. STB-91: Added support for HTML text in dialogs. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  16. STB-92: Added showInModalDialog(UserNotification). — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  17. STB-93: createSafeProxy() now supports all the interfaces of the proxied object. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  18. STB-74: Now using TestFX. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  19. ToolBarModel implementation refactored; added test. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  20. Improved examples. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  21. STB-94: Added support for the menu bar. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  22. Improved documentation. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#695 (Dec 24, 2024, 6:32:20 PM)

  1. STB-76: OpenJFX dependencies should be 'provided'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. STB-77: Fixed broken test on CI. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. SuperPOM upgraded to '5.8'. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  4. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.1-ALPHA-5Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Fabrizio Giudici / detail

#522 (Dec 22, 2021, 6:08:50 AM)

  1. Added LGTM configuration. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  2. SITE. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  3. Updated headers. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail
  5. Upgraded SuperPOM. — Fabrizio Giudici / detail