- Upgraded SuperPOM to '5.9'. (details)
- Site improvements, added SpotBugs menu. (details)
- QA clean up. (details)
- Examples now compile and run with JDK 21; Hibernate clean up. (details)
- Refactored and cleaned up. (details)
- TFT-358: Fixed bogus dependency. (details)
- New comment style. (details)
- Fixed misleading log message. (details)
- TFT-359: Added PowerOnEvent and PowerOffEvent. (details)
- TFT-360: TypeSafeMap and TypeSafeMultiMap forEach() now is correctly generified. (details)
- TFT-361: Removed a couple of JavaFX property keys from PreferencesHandler. (details)
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.2-ALPHA-25 (details)
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)