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Skipping 178,073 KB.. Full Log
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class DefaultComboBoxModel
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[116,26] [unchecked] unchecked call to setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) as a member of the raw type JComboBox
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[209,35] [rawtypes] found raw type: JComboBox
  missing type arguments for generic class JComboBox<E>
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[495,23] [rawtypes] found raw type: JComboBox
  missing type arguments for generic class JComboBox<E>
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class JComboBox
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[54,7] [serial] serializable class ViewerPanel has no definition of serialVersionUID
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[39,34] [deprecation] JApplet in javax.swing has been deprecated
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[39,34] [deprecation] JApplet in javax.swing has been deprecated
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[39,34] [deprecation] JApplet in javax.swing has been deprecated
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[39,34] [deprecation] JApplet in javax.swing has been deprecated
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[39,34] [deprecation] JApplet in javax.swing has been deprecated
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/viewer/[39,7] [serial] serializable class ViewerApplet has no definition of serialVersionUID
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ image-examples-viewer ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ image-examples-viewer ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] No sources to compile
[WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.AnalyzeMojo
[INFO] <<< dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) < test-compile @ image-examples-viewer <<<
[INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) @ image-examples-viewer ---
[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.image:image-operations:jar:1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.image:image-contributions:jar:1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING]    javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:jar:1.3.2:compile
[WARNING]    com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations:jar:3.1.9:compile
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.30:compile
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.30:runtime
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.30:runtime
[WARNING]    org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:1.18.22:provided
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-util-test:jar:3.2-ALPHA-16:test
[WARNING]    ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.3:test
[WARNING]    org.testng:testng:jar:6.9.10:test
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
[INFO] ---------< it.tidalwave.image:image-examples-histogramviewer >----------
[INFO] Building Mistral Examples HistogramViewer 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT   [12/13]
[INFO]   from modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 0c13af2c55a0 at timestamp: 1683631236193
[WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: 
Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO]      [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/release/1.0-ALPHA-8 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT 0c13af2c55a0
[INFO]      [echo] Java Version: 11.0.18 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 5 source files to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/classes
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[71,12] [rawtypes] found raw type: Map
  missing type arguments for generic class Map<K,V>
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in interface Map
    V extends Object declared in interface Map
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[71,30] [rawtypes] found raw type: HashMap
  missing type arguments for generic class HashMap<K,V>
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in class HashMap
    V extends Object declared in class HashMap
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[73,12] [rawtypes] found raw type: List
  missing type arguments for generic class List<E>
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in interface List
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[73,32] [rawtypes] found raw type: ArrayList
  missing type arguments for generic class ArrayList<E>
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[191,19] [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type Map
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in interface Map
    V extends Object declared in interface Map
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[192,20] [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type List
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in interface List
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[46,7] [serial] serializable class XYPlotter has no definition of serialVersionUID
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/[53,7] [serial] serializable class AbstractViewerPanel has no definition of serialVersionUID
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[44,7] [serial] serializable class HistogramRenderer has no definition of serialVersionUID
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- surefire:3.0.0-M5:test (default-test) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'localRepository' is deprecated core expression; Avoid use of ArtifactRepository type. If you need access to local repository, switch to '${repositorySystemSession}' expression and get LRM from it instead.
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:report (report) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file.
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] --- jar:3.2.0:jar (default-jar) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/image-examples-histogramviewer-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.0c13af2c55a0.jar
[INFO] --- jar:3.2.0:test-jar (default-test-jar) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
[INFO] --- install:3.0.0-M1:install (default-install) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/image-examples-histogramviewer-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.0c13af2c55a0.jar to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/image/image-examples-histogramviewer/1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT/image-examples-histogramviewer-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/pom.xml to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/image/image-examples-histogramviewer/1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT/image-examples-histogramviewer-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] >>> spotbugs: (default-cli) > :spotbugs @ image-examples-histogramviewer >>>
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (spotbugs) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Fork Value is true
     [java] [main] WARN edu.umd.cs.findbugs.TextUICommandLine - -output option and -outputFile option are deprecated. Set file path to each option for reporter.
[INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis....
[INFO] <<< spotbugs: (default-cli) < :spotbugs @ image-examples-histogramviewer <<<
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (default-cli) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 13
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] Total bugs: 13
[ERROR] Low: Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in it.tidalwave.mistral.example.AbstractViewerPanel.loadImage(String) [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.AbstractViewerPanel] At[line 78] REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION
[ERROR] Low: The class it.tidalwave.mistral.example.AbstractViewerPanel$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.AbstractViewerPanel] At[line 96] SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON
[ERROR] Low: Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from java.awt.Graphics to java.awt.Graphics2D in it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramGrid.paint(Graphics, Rectangle) [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramGrid] At[line 92] BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST
[ERROR] Medium: it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramGrid.sethistogramPlotter(XYPlotter) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistogramGrid.histogramPlotter [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramGrid] At[line 54] EI_EXPOSE_REP2
[ERROR] Low: HistogramGrid.histogramPlotter not initialized in constructor and dereferenced in it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramGrid.paint(Graphics, Rectangle) [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramGrid] At[line 103] UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR
[ERROR] Low: Overridable method clear is called from constructor new it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer(). [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer] At[line 75] MC_OVERRIDABLE_METHOD_CALL_IN_CONSTRUCTOR
[ERROR] Low: Overridable method getBackground is called from constructor new it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer(). [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer] At[line 71] MC_OVERRIDABLE_METHOD_CALL_IN_CONSTRUCTOR
[ERROR] Low: Overridable method getForeground is called from constructor new it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer(). [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer] At[line 71] MC_OVERRIDABLE_METHOD_CALL_IN_CONSTRUCTOR
[ERROR] Low: Class it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer defines non-transient non-serializable instance field grid [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.HistogramRenderer] In SE_BAD_FIELD
[ERROR] Low: Call to swing method in it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.Main.main(String[]) needs to be performed in Swing event thread [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.Main, it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.Main] At[line 82]Another occurrence at[line 121] SW_SWING_METHODS_INVOKED_IN_SWING_THREAD
[ERROR] Medium: Possible null pointer dereference of g2 in it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter.paint(Graphics) on exception path [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter, it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter, it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter] Dereferenced at[line 234]Null value at[line 213]Known null at[line 217] NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_EXCEPTION
[ERROR] Low: Class it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter defines non-transient non-serializable instance field buffer [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter] In SE_BAD_FIELD
[ERROR] Low: Useless control flow in it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter.plot(Graphics) [it.tidalwave.mistral.example.histogramviewer.XYPlotter] At[line 278] UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW

To see bug detail using the Spotbugs GUI, use the following command "mvn spotbugs:gui"

[INFO] --- pmd:3.14.0:cpd (default-cli) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- pmd:3.14.0:pmd (default-cli) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been moved from ruleset "unusedcode" to "unnecessary". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been renamed to "UnnecessaryModifier". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/basic.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/imports.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been moved from ruleset "unusedcode" to "unnecessary". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been renamed to "UnnecessaryModifier". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/basic.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/imports.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[INFO] --- checkstyle:3.0.0:checkstyle (default-cli) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] There are 43 errors reported by Checkstyle 6.18 with it/tidalwave/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml ruleset.
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] >>> dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) > test-compile @ image-examples-histogramviewer >>>
[INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 0c13af2c55a0 at timestamp: 1683631257301
[WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: 
Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO]      [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/release/1.0-ALPHA-8 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT 0c13af2c55a0
[INFO]      [echo] Java Version: 11.0.18 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 5 source files to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/classes
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[71,12] [rawtypes] found raw type: Map
  missing type arguments for generic class Map<K,V>
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in interface Map
    V extends Object declared in interface Map
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[71,30] [rawtypes] found raw type: HashMap
  missing type arguments for generic class HashMap<K,V>
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in class HashMap
    V extends Object declared in class HashMap
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[73,12] [rawtypes] found raw type: List
  missing type arguments for generic class List<E>
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in interface List
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[73,32] [rawtypes] found raw type: ArrayList
  missing type arguments for generic class ArrayList<E>
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class ArrayList
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[191,19] [unchecked] unchecked call to put(K,V) as a member of the raw type Map
  where K,V are type-variables:
    K extends Object declared in interface Map
    V extends Object declared in interface Map
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[192,20] [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type List
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in interface List
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[46,7] [serial] serializable class XYPlotter has no definition of serialVersionUID
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/[53,7] [serial] serializable class AbstractViewerPanel has no definition of serialVersionUID
[WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/mistral/example/histogramviewer/[44,7] [serial] serializable class HistogramRenderer has no definition of serialVersionUID
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] No sources to compile
[WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.AnalyzeMojo
[INFO] <<< dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) < test-compile @ image-examples-histogramviewer <<<
[INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) @ image-examples-histogramviewer ---
[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.image:image-contributions:jar:1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING]    org.swinglabs:swing-layout:jar:1.0.3:compile
[WARNING]    javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:jar:1.3.2:compile
[WARNING]    com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations:jar:3.1.9:compile
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.30:runtime
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.30:runtime
[WARNING]    org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:1.18.22:provided
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-util-test:jar:3.2-ALPHA-16:test
[WARNING]    ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.3:test
[WARNING]    org.testng:testng:jar:6.9.10:test
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
[INFO] ----------< it.tidalwave.image:image-examples-miscellaneous >-----------
[INFO] Building Mistral Examples Miscellaneous 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT     [13/13]
[INFO]   from modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 0c13af2c55a0 at timestamp: 1683631263030
[WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: 
Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO]      [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/release/1.0-ALPHA-8 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT 0c13af2c55a0
[INFO]      [echo] Java Version: 11.0.18 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/classes
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- surefire:3.0.0-M5:test (default-test) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'localRepository' is deprecated core expression; Avoid use of ArtifactRepository type. If you need access to local repository, switch to '${repositorySystemSession}' expression and get LRM from it instead.
[INFO] No tests to run.
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:report (report) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file.
[INFO] --- jar:3.2.0:jar (default-jar) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/image-examples-miscellaneous-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.0c13af2c55a0.jar
[INFO] --- jar:3.2.0:test-jar (default-test-jar) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar
[INFO] --- install:3.0.0-M1:install (default-install) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/image-examples-miscellaneous-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.0c13af2c55a0.jar to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/image/image-examples-miscellaneous/1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT/image-examples-miscellaneous-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/pom.xml to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/it/tidalwave/image/image-examples-miscellaneous/1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT/image-examples-miscellaneous-1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] >>> spotbugs: (default-cli) > :spotbugs @ image-examples-miscellaneous >>>
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (spotbugs) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Fork Value is true
     [java] [main] WARN edu.umd.cs.findbugs.TextUICommandLine - -output option and -outputFile option are deprecated. Set file path to each option for reporter.
[INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis....
[INFO] <<< spotbugs: (default-cli) < :spotbugs @ image-examples-miscellaneous <<<
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (default-cli) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 0
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] No errors/warnings found
[INFO] --- pmd:3.14.0:cpd (default-cli) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- pmd:3.14.0:pmd (default-cli) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been moved from ruleset "unusedcode" to "unnecessary". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been renamed to "UnnecessaryModifier". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/basic.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/imports.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been moved from ruleset "unusedcode" to "unnecessary". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been renamed to "UnnecessaryModifier". Please change your ruleset!
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/basic.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[WARNING] The RuleSet rulesets/java/imports.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0
[INFO] --- checkstyle:3.0.0:checkstyle (default-cli) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] There are 2 errors reported by Checkstyle 6.18 with it/tidalwave/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml ruleset.
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] >>> dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) > test-compile @ image-examples-miscellaneous >>>
[INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample
[INFO] Storing buildNumber: 0c13af2c55a0 at timestamp: 1683631277354
[WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: 
Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

[INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'.
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD'
[INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample
[INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Executing tasks
[INFO]      [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/release/1.0-ALPHA-8 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT 0c13af2c55a0
[INFO]      [echo] Java Version: 11.0.18 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/jacoco.exec
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/classes
[INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}.
[INFO] No sources to compile
[WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.AnalyzeMojo
[INFO] <<< dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) < test-compile @ image-examples-miscellaneous <<<
[INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) @ image-examples-miscellaneous ---
[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.image:image-contributions:jar:1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING]    javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:jar:1.3.2:compile
[WARNING]    com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations:jar:3.1.9:compile
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.30:runtime
[WARNING]    org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.30:runtime
[WARNING]    org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:1.18.22:provided
[WARNING]    it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:it-tidalwave-util-test:jar:3.2-ALPHA-16:test
[WARNING]    ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.3:test
[WARNING]    org.testng:testng:jar:6.9.10:test
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
[INFO] ----------------------< it.tidalwave.image:image >----------------------
[INFO] Building Mistral 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT                            [14/13]
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- dependency-check:6.1.1:aggregate (default-cli) @ image ---
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (28 kB at 41 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (2.0 kB at 7.4 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (11 kB at 36 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (6.1 kB at 22 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (3.4 kB at 12 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (16 kB at 57 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (15 kB at 50 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (9.3 kB at 33 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (15 kB at 48 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (6.0 kB at 22 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (3.0 kB at 11 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (401 kB at 1.3 MB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (960 B at 3.3 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (12 kB at 37 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (8.6 kB at 30 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (761 B at 2.7 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (26 kB at 88 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (4.6 kB at 16 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (2.6 kB at 8.9 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (7.9 kB at 27 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (23 kB at 82 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (7.3 kB at 25 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (1.4 kB at 4.7 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (2.8 kB at 9.7 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (957 kB at 2.6 MB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (27 kB at 80 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (59 kB at 168 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (14 kB at 38 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (578 kB at 1.6 MB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (525 kB at 554 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (394 kB at 391 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (66 kB at 63 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (2.2 MB at 2.1 MB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (360 kB at 334 kB/s)
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[INFO] Downloaded from (76 kB at 59 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (1.5 MB at 1.2 MB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (365 kB at 266 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (214 kB at 156 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (32 kB at 23 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (65 kB at 41 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (53 kB at 33 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from
[INFO] Downloaded from (17 kB at 10 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloaded from (31 kB at 18 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloaded from (52 kB at 31 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloaded from (26 kB at 14 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloaded from (15 kB at 7.9 kB/s)
[INFO] Skipping dependency-check:aggregate
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Mistral 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Mistral ............................................ SUCCESS [ 16.174 s]
[INFO] Mistral (modules) .................................. SUCCESS [  1.786 s]
[INFO] Mistral Code Generator ............................. SUCCESS [ 23.231 s]
[INFO] Mistral Core ....................................... SUCCESS [13:50 min]
[INFO] Mistral Operations ................................. SUCCESS [ 18.765 s]
[INFO] Mistral Contributions .............................. SUCCESS [ 17.471 s]
[INFO] Mistral Processor .................................. SUCCESS [ 18.377 s]
[INFO] Mistral Renderer ................................... SUCCESS [ 26.967 s]
[INFO] Mistral Examples (master) .......................... SUCCESS [  1.404 s]
[INFO] Mistral Examples CustomOperation ................... SUCCESS [ 19.557 s]
[INFO] Mistral Examples Viewer ............................ SUCCESS [ 32.279 s]
[INFO] Mistral Examples HistogramViewer ................... SUCCESS [ 26.440 s]
[INFO] Mistral Examples Miscellaneous ..................... SUCCESS [ 18.326 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[INFO] Total time:  18:30 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-05-09T11:21:40Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
channel stopped
[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
No post-build script.
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/target/**/testng-results.xml
Saving reports...
Processing '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/testng/testng-results-1.xml'
Processing '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/testng/testng-results-2.xml'
Processing '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/testng/testng-results.xml'
0.268014% of tests failed, which exceeded threshold of 0%. Marking build as UNSTABLE
TestNG Reports Processing: FINISH
[JaCoCo plugin] Collecting JaCoCo coverage data...
[JaCoCo plugin] Version: 3.3.3
[JaCoCo plugin] **/**.exec;**/classes;**/src/main/java; locations are configured
[JaCoCo plugin] Number of found exec files for pattern **/**.exec: 3
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched execfiles:  /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/jacoco.exec /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/jacoco.exec /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/jacoco.exec
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched class directories for class-pattern: **/classes: 
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/classes 14 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/classes 15 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/classes 132 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/classes 3 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/classes 8 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/classes 1 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/classes 9 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/classes 15 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/classes 11 files
[JaCoCo plugin]  - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/classes 19 files
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched source directories for source-pattern: **/src/main/java: 
[JaCoCo plugin] Source Inclusions: null
[JaCoCo plugin] Source Exclusions: null
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/src/main/java 4 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/src/main/java 15 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/src/main/java 76 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/src/main/java 3 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/src/main/java 5 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/src/main/java 1 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/src/main/java 7 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/src/main/java 13 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/src/main/java 9 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/src/main/java 12 files
[JaCoCo plugin] Loading inclusions files..
[JaCoCo plugin] inclusions: []
[JaCoCo plugin] exclusions: [org/musicbrainz/**/*.class]
[JaCoCo plugin] Thresholds: JacocoHealthReportThresholds [minClass=0, maxClass=0, minMethod=0, maxMethod=0, minLine=0, maxLine=0, minBranch=0, maxBranch=0, minInstruction=0, maxInstruction=0, minComplexity=0, maxComplexity=0]
[JaCoCo plugin] Publishing the results..
[JaCoCo plugin] Loading packages..
[JaCoCo plugin] Done.
[JaCoCo plugin] Overall coverage: class: 36.574074, method: 16.065575, line: 26.166761, branch: 17.568354, instruction: 27.50571, complexity: 14.583963
[description-setter] Description set: origin/release/1.0-ALPHA-8 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT 0c13af2c55a0
[Java Compiler] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Java Compiler] Successfully parsed console log
[Java Compiler] -> found 69 issues (skipped 77 duplicates)
[Java Compiler] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[Java Compiler] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[Java Compiler] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[Java Compiler] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[Java Compiler] -> resolved paths in source directory (31 found, 0 not found)
[Java Compiler] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[Java Compiler] -> resolved module names for 69 issues
[Java Compiler] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[Java Compiler] -> resolved package names of 31 affected files
[Java Compiler] No filter has been set, publishing all 69 issues
[Java Compiler] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[Java Compiler] -> created fingerprints for 69 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[Java Compiler] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[Java Compiler] -> 31 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[Java Compiler] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Java Compiler] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Java Compiler] Successfully parsed console log
[Java Compiler] -> found 69 issues (skipped 77 duplicates)
[Java Compiler] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[Java Compiler] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[Java Compiler] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[Java Compiler] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[Java Compiler] -> resolved paths in source directory (31 found, 0 not found)
[Java Compiler] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[Java Compiler] -> resolved module names for 69 issues
[Java Compiler] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[Java Compiler] -> resolved package names of 31 affected files
[Java Compiler] No filter has been set, publishing all 69 issues
[Java Compiler] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[Java Compiler] -> created fingerprints for 69 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[Java Compiler] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[Java Compiler] -> 31 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[Java Compiler] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Java Compiler] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Java Compiler] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[Java Compiler] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[Java Compiler] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[Java Compiler] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[Java Compiler] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Java Compiler] Created analysis result for 69 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Java Compiler] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'java' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[Maven] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Successfully parsed console log
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Maven] Skipping post processing
[Maven] No filter has been set, publishing all 124 issues
[Maven] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Maven] Successfully parsed console log
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Successfully parsed console log
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Successfully parsed console log
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Successfully parsed console log
[Maven] -> found 124 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Maven] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Maven] Skipping post processing
[Maven] No filter has been set, publishing all 124 issues
[Maven] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Maven] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Maven] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[Maven] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[Maven] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[Maven] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[Maven] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Maven] Created analysis result for 124 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Maven] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'maven-warnings' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[CPD] Using default pattern '**/cpd.xml' since user defined pattern is not set
[CPD] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the pattern '**/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[CPD] -> found 20 files
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 8 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 8 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[CPD] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[CPD] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[CPD] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[CPD] -> resolved paths in source directory (2 found, 0 not found)
[CPD] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[CPD] -> resolved module names for 16 issues
[CPD] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[CPD] -> resolved package names of 2 affected files
[CPD] No filter has been set, publishing all 8 issues
[CPD] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[CPD] -> created fingerprints for 8 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[CPD] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[CPD] -> 2 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[CPD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[CPD] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the pattern '**/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[CPD] -> found 20 files
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 8 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 8 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/site/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/site/cpd.xml'
[CPD] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[CPD] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[CPD] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[CPD] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[CPD] -> resolved paths in source directory (2 found, 0 not found)
[CPD] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[CPD] -> resolved module names for 16 issues
[CPD] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[CPD] -> resolved package names of 2 affected files
[CPD] No filter has been set, publishing all 8 issues
[CPD] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[CPD] -> created fingerprints for 8 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[CPD] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[CPD] -> 2 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[CPD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[CPD] Reference build recorder is not configured
[CPD] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[CPD] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[CPD] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[CPD] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[CPD] Health report is disabled - skipping
[CPD] Created analysis result for 8 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[CPD] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'cpd' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[AspectJ] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Successfully parsed console log
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[AspectJ] Skipping post processing
[AspectJ] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[AspectJ] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[AspectJ] Successfully parsed console log
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Successfully parsed console log
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Successfully parsed console log
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Successfully parsed console log
[AspectJ] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[AspectJ] Skipping post processing
[AspectJ] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[AspectJ] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[AspectJ] Reference build recorder is not configured
[AspectJ] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[AspectJ] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[AspectJ] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[AspectJ] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[AspectJ] Health report is disabled - skipping
[AspectJ] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[AspectJ] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'aspectj' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[Code Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Code Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Code Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Code Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Code Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Code Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Code Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[Code Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Code Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Code Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Code Analysis] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Code Analysis] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[Code Analysis] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[Code Analysis] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[Code Analysis] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[Code Analysis] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Code Analysis] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Code Analysis] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'code-analysis' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[SpotBugs] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the pattern '**/target/**/findbugsXml.xml,**/target/**/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[SpotBugs] -> found 10 files
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 16 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 6 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 118 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 13 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 14 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 17 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 26 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 22 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[SpotBugs] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[SpotBugs] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[SpotBugs] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[SpotBugs] -> resolved paths in source directory (68 found, 0 not found)
[SpotBugs] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[SpotBugs] -> all issues already have a valid module name
[SpotBugs] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[SpotBugs] -> all affected files already have a valid package name
[SpotBugs] No filter has been set, publishing all 232 issues
[SpotBugs] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[SpotBugs] -> created fingerprints for 0 issues (skipped 232 issues)
[SpotBugs] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[SpotBugs] -> 41 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[SpotBugs] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[SpotBugs] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the pattern '**/target/**/findbugsXml.xml,**/target/**/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[SpotBugs] -> found 10 files
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 16 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 6 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 118 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 13 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 14 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 17 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 26 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 22 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/site/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[SpotBugs] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[SpotBugs] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[SpotBugs] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[SpotBugs] -> resolved paths in source directory (68 found, 0 not found)
[SpotBugs] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[SpotBugs] -> all issues already have a valid module name
[SpotBugs] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[SpotBugs] -> all affected files already have a valid package name
[SpotBugs] No filter has been set, publishing all 232 issues
[SpotBugs] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[SpotBugs] -> created fingerprints for 0 issues (skipped 232 issues)
[SpotBugs] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[SpotBugs] -> 41 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[SpotBugs] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[SpotBugs] Reference build recorder is not configured
[SpotBugs] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[SpotBugs] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[SpotBugs] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[SpotBugs] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[SpotBugs] Health report is disabled - skipping
[SpotBugs] Created analysis result for 232 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[SpotBugs] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'spotbugs' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[PMD] Using default pattern '**/pmd.xml' since user defined pattern is not set
[PMD] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the pattern '**/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[PMD] -> found 20 files
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 10 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 10 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 4 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 4 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[PMD] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[PMD] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[PMD] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[PMD] -> resolved paths in source directory (15 found, 0 not found)
[PMD] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[PMD] -> resolved module names for 104 issues
[PMD] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[PMD] -> all affected files already have a valid package name
[PMD] No filter has been set, publishing all 52 issues
[PMD] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[PMD] -> created fingerprints for 52 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[PMD] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[PMD] -> 5 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[PMD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[PMD] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the pattern '**/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[PMD] -> found 20 files
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/CodeGenerator/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Contributions/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Contributions/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Core/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 19 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Core/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/MiscellaneousExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 10 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 10 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Examples/ViewerExample/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 4 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Operations/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 4 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Operations/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Processor/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Processor/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace/modules/Renderer/target/site/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully processed file 'modules/Renderer/target/site/pmd.xml'
[PMD] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[PMD] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[PMD] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[PMD] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[PMD] -> resolved paths in source directory (15 found, 0 not found)
[PMD] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[PMD] -> resolved module names for 104 issues
[PMD] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[PMD] -> all affected files already have a valid package name
[PMD] No filter has been set, publishing all 52 issues
[PMD] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[PMD] -> created fingerprints for 52 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[PMD] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[PMD] -> 5 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[PMD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[PMD] Reference build recorder is not configured
[PMD] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[PMD] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[PMD] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[PMD] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[PMD] Health report is disabled - skipping
[PMD] Created analysis result for 52 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[PMD] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'pmd' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[Open Tasks Scanner] Searching for files in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the include pattern '' and exclude pattern '**/target/**/*'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> found 9824 files that will be scanned
[Open Tasks Scanner] Using the following tasks patterns:
-> High: ^.*(\bFIXME\b)(.*)$
-> Normal: ^.*(\bTODO\b)(.*)$

[Open Tasks Scanner] Scanning all 9824 files for open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] Found a total of 63 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> TODO: 12 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> FIXME: 51 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[Open Tasks Scanner] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved paths in source directory (32 found, 0 not found)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved module names for 63 issues
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved package names of 32 affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] No filter has been set, publishing all 63 issues
[Open Tasks Scanner] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> created fingerprints for 63 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> 10 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[Open Tasks Scanner] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Open Tasks Scanner] Searching for files in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the include pattern '' and exclude pattern '**/target/**/*'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> found 9824 files that will be scanned
[Open Tasks Scanner] Using the following tasks patterns:
-> High: ^.*(\bFIXME\b)(.*)$
-> Normal: ^.*(\bTODO\b)(.*)$

[Open Tasks Scanner] Scanning all 9824 files for open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] Found a total of 63 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> TODO: 12 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> FIXME: 51 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[Open Tasks Scanner] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved paths in source directory (32 found, 0 not found)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved module names for 63 issues
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved package names of 32 affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] No filter has been set, publishing all 63 issues
[Open Tasks Scanner] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> created fingerprints for 63 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Searching for files in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace' that match the include pattern '' and exclude pattern '**/target/**/*'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> found 9824 files that will be scanned
[Open Tasks Scanner] Using the following tasks patterns:
-> High: ^.*(\bFIXME\b)(.*)$
-> Normal: ^.*(\bTODO\b)(.*)$

[Open Tasks Scanner] Scanning all 9824 files for open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] Found a total of 63 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> TODO: 12 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> FIXME: 51 open tasks
[Open Tasks Scanner] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[Open Tasks Scanner] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving file names for all issues in workspace '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved paths in source directory (32 found, 0 not found)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved module names for 63 issues
[Open Tasks Scanner] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> resolved package names of 32 affected files
[Open Tasks Scanner] No filter has been set, publishing all 63 issues
[Open Tasks Scanner] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> created fingerprints for 63 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/builds/2/files-with-issues'
[Open Tasks Scanner] -> 10 copied, 0 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[Open Tasks Scanner] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Open Tasks Scanner] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Open Tasks Scanner] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[Open Tasks Scanner] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[Open Tasks Scanner] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[Open Tasks Scanner] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[Open Tasks Scanner] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Open Tasks Scanner] Created analysis result for 63 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Open Tasks Scanner] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'open-tasks' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[JavaDoc] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Successfully parsed console log
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[JavaDoc] Skipping post processing
[JavaDoc] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[JavaDoc] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[JavaDoc] Successfully parsed console log
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Successfully parsed console log
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Successfully parsed console log
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Successfully parsed console log
[JavaDoc] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[JavaDoc] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Mistral_Metrics_branches/workspace')
[JavaDoc] Skipping post processing
[JavaDoc] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[JavaDoc] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[JavaDoc] Reference build recorder is not configured
[JavaDoc] Obtaining reference build from same job (Mistral :: Metrics (feature branches))
[JavaDoc] No valid reference build found that meets the criteria (NO_JOB_FAILURE - SUCCESSFUL_QUALITY_GATE)
[JavaDoc] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[JavaDoc] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[JavaDoc] Health report is disabled - skipping
[JavaDoc] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[JavaDoc] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'javadoc-warnings' to build 'Mistral_Metrics_branches #2'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
Started calculate disk usage of build
Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds
Started calculate disk usage of workspace
Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds
Finished: UNSTABLE