- STB-76: OpenJFX dependencies should be 'provided'. (details)
- STB-77: Fixed broken test on CI. (details)
- SuperPOM upgraded to '5.8'. (details)
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.1-ALPHA-5 (details)
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)
The file was modified | modules/JavaFXBindings/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/PresentationJavaFX/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Presentation/src/test/java/it/tidalwave/role/ui/example/presentation/impl/ |
The file was modified | pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Model/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Presentation/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/JavaFXBindings/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/PresentationJavaFX/pom.xml |
The file was modified | pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Model/pom.xml |
The file was modified | pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Presentation/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/PresentationJavaFX/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/JavaFXBindings/pom.xml |