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  1. Fixed a typo that prevented release. (details)
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0-ALPHA-9 (details)
  3. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)
Commit 276d9aeeb70b52ae408ee7463b4c9cb142718bb2 by Fabrizio Giudici
Fixed a typo that prevented release.
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
Commit 1b6b02b606d95de568de3d557def340cf9501ee4 by Fabrizio Giudici
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0-ALPHA-9
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIProjectExplorer/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UICommons/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/XmlMarshalling/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/Model/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIHourlyReport/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIJobEventExplorer/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIiBizImporter/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/JavaFXUI/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UICustomerExplorer/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/iBizImporter/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UI/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/JavaFXApplication/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/ModelInMemory/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 817214f143988f3cd8d64bbe08aeab652fc06723 by Fabrizio Giudici
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
The file was modifiedmodules/UIHourlyReport/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UI/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/Model/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIJobEventExplorer/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIProjectExplorer/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/ModelInMemory/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UICommons/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UIiBizImporter/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/XmlMarshalling/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/iBizImporter/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/JavaFXApplication/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/JavaFXUI/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodules/UICustomerExplorer/pom.xml (diff)