The file was removed | modules/Roles/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/role/IdFactory.java |
The file was added | modules/Utilities/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/util/IdFactory.java |
The file was modified | modules/Utilities/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/role/impl/ServiceLoaderLocator.java |
The file was modified | modules/Utilities/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/util/impl/DefaultPreferencesHandler.java |
The file was modified | modules/Utilities/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/util/PreferencesHandler.java |
The file was modified | modules/SpringMessageBus/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciMarshalXStreamExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/SpringRoles/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciPersistenceJpaExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/ExtendedFinderExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/TestUtilities/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Data/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciSwingExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciDisplayableExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/Actors/pom.xml |
The file was modified | archetypes/project/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/MessageBus/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/JPAFinderExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/Roles/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/Utilities/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/InMemoryFinderExample/pom.xml |
by Fabrizio Giudici[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
The file was modified | modules/SpringMessageBus/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciSwingExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciDisplayableExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/InMemoryFinderExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciMarshalXStreamExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/Actors/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/MessageBus/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/ExtendedFinderExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/TestUtilities/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/Utilities/pom.xml |
The file was modified | archetypes/project/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/JPAFinderExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/SpringRoles/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/Roles/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/DciPersistenceJpaExample/pom.xml |
The file was modified | modules/examples/Data/pom.xml |
by Fabrizio GiudiciBitBucket Pipelines now activated only by the master branch.
The file was modified | bitbucket-pipelines.yml |