Started 1 yr 8 mo ago
Took 41 sec

Build #612 (Apr 25, 2023, 5:16:33 AM)

origin/master 3.2-ALPHA-22-SNAPSHOT 6ed555872ee4
  1. Fix for TFT-338. (details)
  2. Fix for TFT-339. (details)
  3. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.2-ALPHA-21 (details)
  4. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)
  5. BitBucket Pipelines now activated only by the master branch. (details)

Started by upstream project TheseFoolishThings :: Metrics build number 1303
originally caused by:

Chuck Norris IconQuantum cryptography does not work on Chuck Norris. When something is being observed by Chuck it stays in the same state until he's finished.
TestNG Results

  • Total Tests: 267 (±0)
  • Failed Configurations: 0 (±0)
    • Failed Tests: 0 (±0)
      • Skipped Tests: 0 (±0)
        • Skipped Configurations: 0 (±0)
          Jacoco - Overall Coverage Summary
          Java Compiler: No warnings
          Maven: No warnings
          CPD: 2 warnings (from 2 analyses)
          AspectJ: No warnings
          Code Analysis: No warnings
          SpotBugs: 56 warnings (from 15 analyses)
          PMD: 6 warnings (from 2 analyses)
          Open Tasks Scanner: 893 warnings
          JavaDoc: No warnings