Started 1 yr 11 mo ago
Took 2 min 33 sec

Build #43 (Jan 24, 2023, 10:10:07 PM)

origin/fabrizio.giudici 1.0-ALPHA-9-SNAPSHOT 56c8358c3221
  1. Updated IDEA files. (details / bitbucketweb)
  2. SteelBlue upgraded to 1.1-ALPHA-2. (details / bitbucketweb)
  3. Updated headers. (details / bitbucketweb)
  4. Clean up. (details / bitbucketweb)
  5. Fix for BH-40. (details / bitbucketweb)
  6. Fixed test consistency. (details / bitbucketweb)
  7. Refactored. (details / bitbucketweb)
  8. Fixed broken test. (details / bitbucketweb)
  9. Refactored Money constructor. (details / bitbucketweb)
  10. Fix to allow release in Central Repo. (details / bitbucketweb)
  11. POM clean up. (details / bitbucketweb)
  12. Updated README. (details / bitbucketweb)
  13. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0-ALPHA-8 (details / bitbucketweb)
  14. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details / bitbucketweb)

Started by an SCM change (5 times)

Revision: 56c8358c322112a5a1376f62a014e01417b6fb67
  • origin/fabrizio.giudici
Test Result (no failures)
    Chuck Norris IconChuck Norris' addition operator doesn't commute; it teleports to where he needs it to be.
    TestNG Results

    • Total Tests: 18 (±0)
    • Failed Configurations: 0 (±0)
      • Failed Tests: 0 (±0)
        • Skipped Tests: 0 (±0)
          • Skipped Configurations: 0 (±0)

            Module Builds

             blueHour5.6 sec
             blueHour - Installer, macOS5.6 sec
             blueHour - Installer, macOS (didn’t run)
             blueHour - Installer, Mac OS X with embedded JRE (didn’t run)
             blueHour (modules)1.8 sec
             blueHour - Application (JavaFX)5.8 sec
             blueHour - Importer - iBiz11 sec
             blueHour - Marshalling - XML13 sec
             blueHour - Model21 sec
             blueHour - Model, In-Memory Implementation14 sec
             blueHour - UI3.4 sec
             blueHour - UI - Commons11 sec
             blueHour - UI - Customer Explorer7.6 sec
             blueHour - UI - Hourly Report5.5 sec
             blueHour - UI - Importer iBiz6.2 sec
             blueHour - UI - JavaFX5.4 sec
             blueHour - UI - JobEvent Explorer10 sec
             blueHour - UI - Project Explorer8.3 sec
             blueHour - Installer, Mac OS X (didn’t run)