digraph { node [shape=box, style=rounded]; rankdir=TB; subgraph clusterMain { "blueBell :: Archive" [label= tooltip="blueBell :: Archive" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell/"]; "blueBell :: Metrics" [label= tooltip="blueBell :: Metrics" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell_Metrics/"]; color=invis;} subgraph clusterStandalone { "blueBell :: Build and Test" [shape="Mrecord" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell_Build_and_Test/" label=<
blueBell :: Build and Test
>]; "blueBell :: Build from scratch" [shape="Mrecord" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell_Build_from_Scratch/" label=<
blueBell :: Build from scratch
>]; "blueBell :: Metrics (Adoptium JDK 17)" [shape="Mrecord" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/" label=<
blueBell :: Metrics (Adoptium JDK 17)
>]; "blueBell :: Metrics (Adoptium JDK 21)" [shape="Mrecord" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/" label=<
blueBell :: Metrics (Adoptium JDK 21)
>]; "blueBell :: Metrics (feature branches)" [shape="Mrecord" href="https://services.tidalwave.it/ci/job/blueBell_Metrics_branches/" label=<
blueBell :: Metrics (feature branches)
>]; color=invis;} "blueBell :: Metrics" -> "blueBell :: Archive" [ color=black ] ; edge[style="invisible",dir="none"]; "blueBell :: Build and Test" -> "blueBell :: Build from scratch" -> "blueBell :: Metrics (Adoptium JDK 17)" -> "blueBell :: Metrics (Adoptium JDK 21)" -> "blueBell :: Metrics (feature branches)"; edge[style="invisible",dir="none"]; "blueBell :: Metrics (feature branches)" -> "Dependency Graph"}