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 * #%L
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 * #L%
package it.tidalwave.accounting.test.util;

import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import it.tidalwave.util.Id;
import it.tidalwave.util.spi.AsDelegateProvider;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.Accounting;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.Customer;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.CustomerRegistry;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.InvoiceRegistry;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.JobEvent;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.Project;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.ProjectRegistry;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.types.Address;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.types.Money;
import it.tidalwave.accounting.model.spi.TimedJobEventSpi;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
public final class ScenarioFactory
    private static int nextId = 1;

    public void consistencyTest()

    public static Map<String, Accounting> createScenarios()
        final Map<String, Accounting> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("Empty", createEmptyAccounting());
        map.put("Scenario1", createScenario1());
        return map;

    @DataProvider(name = "projects")
    public static Object[][] projectProvider()
        return ScenarioFactory.createScenarios().entrySet().stream()
                .flatMap(entry -> entry.getValue().getProjectRegistry().findProjects().stream()
                        .map(project -> new Object[] { entry.getKey(), project }))
                .toArray(new Object[0][0]);

    @DataProvider(name = "accountings")
    public static Object[][] accountingProvider()
        return ScenarioFactory.createScenarios().entrySet().stream()
                .map(entry -> new Object[] { entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() })
                .toArray(new Object[0][0]);

    public static Accounting createEmptyAccounting()
        return Accounting.createNew();

    public static Accounting createScenario1()
        nextId = 1;

        final Accounting accounting = Accounting.createNew();
        final CustomerRegistry customerRegistry = accounting.getCustomerRegistry();
        final ProjectRegistry projectRegistry = accounting.getProjectRegistry();
        final InvoiceRegistry invoiceRegistry = accounting.getInvoiceRegistry();

        final Customer acmeConsulting =
                    .withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                    .withName("ACME Consulting")
                    .withBillingAddress(Address.builder().withStreet("Corso Italia 10")
        final Customer acmeFinancing =
                    .withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                    .withName("ACME Financing")
                    .withBillingAddress(Address.builder().withStreet("Corso Magenta 20")
                  .  create();

        final LocalDate project1StartDate = LocalDate.parse("2013-04-02");
        final LocalDate project1EndDate = LocalDate.parse("2013-07-04");
        final LocalDate project2StartDate = LocalDate.parse("2013-05-03");
        final LocalDate project2EndDate = LocalDate.parse("2013-09-11");
        final LocalDate project3StartDate = LocalDate.parse("2014-01-22");
        final LocalDate project3EndDate = LocalDate.parse("2014-03-10");
        final LocalDate project4StartDate = LocalDate.parse("2014-02-17");
        final LocalDate project4EndDate = LocalDate.parse("2014-06-21");

        final Money rate1 = new Money(120, "EUR");
        final Money rate2 = new Money(150, "EUR");
        final Money rate3 = new Money(210, "EUR");
        final Money rate4 = new Money(240, "EUR");

        final List<JobEvent> je1 = createJobEvents(project1StartDate, project1EndDate, rate1);
        final List<JobEvent> je2 = createJobEvents(project2StartDate, project2EndDate, rate2);
        final List<JobEvent> je3 = createJobEvents(project3StartDate, project3EndDate, rate3);
        final List<JobEvent> je4 = createJobEvents(project4StartDate, project4EndDate, rate4);

        final Project acmeConsultingProject1 =
                    .withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                    .withDescription("Acme Consulting Project 1")
                    .withName("Acme Consulting Project 1")
                    .withNumber("PRJ ACME-1")
                    .withBudget(new Money(123456, "EUR"))
        final Project acmeConsultingProject2 =
                    .withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                    .withDescription("Acme Consulting Project 2")
                    .withName("Acme Consulting Project 2")
                    .withNumber("PRJ ACME-2")
                    .withBudget(new Money(234567, "EUR"))
        final Project acmeFinancingProject1 =
                    .withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                    .withDescription("Acme Financing Project 1")
                    .withName("Acme Financing Project 1")
                    .withNumber("PRJ ACME-3")
                    .withBudget(new Money(345678, "EUR"))
        final Project acmeFinancingProject2 =
                    .withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                    .withDescription("Acme Financing Project 2")
                    .withName("Acme Financing Project 2")
                    .withNumber("PRJ ACME-4")
                    .withBudget(new Money(456789, "EUR"))

        createInvoices(invoiceRegistry, acmeConsultingProject1, 3, "ACP1-");
        createInvoices(invoiceRegistry, acmeConsultingProject2, 4, "ACP2-");
        createInvoices(invoiceRegistry, acmeFinancingProject1, 2,  "ACP3-");
        createInvoices(invoiceRegistry, acmeFinancingProject2, 6,  "ACP4-");

        return accounting;

    private static List<JobEvent> createJobEvents (@Nonnull final LocalDate startDate,
                                                   @Nonnull final LocalDate endDate,
                                                   @Nonnull final Money rate)
        final List<JobEvent> result = new ArrayList<>();
        final long days = startDate.until(endDate, ChronoUnit.DAYS);

        for (int i = 1; i <= days; i++)
            final LocalDateTime s = startDate.plusDays(i - 1).atTime(8, 0).plusMinutes(i * 3);
            final LocalDateTime e = s.plusMinutes(60 + i * 4);
            final double hours = s.until(e, ChronoUnit.MINUTES) / 60.0;
            final BigDecimal earnings = rate.getAmount().multiply(new BigDecimal(hours));
            result.add(JobEvent.builder().withId(new Id("" + nextId++))
                                         .withName("Event #" + i)
                                         .withDescription("Description of Event #" + i)
                                         .withEarnings(new Money(earnings, "EUR"))

        return result;

    private static void createInvoices (@Nonnull final InvoiceRegistry invoiceRegistry,
                                        @Nonnull final Project project,
                                        @Nonnegative final int invoiceCount,
                                        @Nonnull final String prefix)
        List<? extends JobEvent> jobEvents = project.findChildren().results();
        int x = jobEvents.size() / (invoiceCount + 1);

//"jobEvents: {} - invoiceCount: {}", jobEvents.size(), invoiceCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < invoiceCount; i++)
            List<JobEvent> eventsSubList = new ArrayList<>(jobEvents.subList(i * x, i * x + x));
            // FIXME: hack!
List temp = eventsSubList; List<TimedJobEventSpi> timedEventsSubList = temp; final TimedJobEventSpi lastEvent = timedEventsSubList.get(eventsSubList.size() - 1); final LocalDate lastDate = lastEvent.getStartDateTime().toLocalDate(); final double earnings = .mapToDouble(ev -> ev.getEarnings().getAmount().doubleValue()).sum(); final double taxRate = 0.20d; invoiceRegistry.addInvoice().withId(new Id("" + nextId++)) .withDate(lastDate) .withDueDate(lastDate.plusMonths(2)) .withEarnings(new Money(new BigDecimal(earnings), "EUR")) .withJobEvents(eventsSubList) .withNumber(prefix + (i + 1)) .withProject(project) .withTax(new Money(new BigDecimal(earnings * taxRate), "EUR")) .create(); } } }