[INFO] Fork Value is true |
[INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... |
[INFO] |
[INFO] <<< spotbugs: (default-cli) < :spotbugs @ it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing <<< |
[INFO] |
[INFO] |
[INFO] --- spotbugs: (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing --- |
[INFO] BugInstance size is 2 |
[INFO] Error size is 0 |
[INFO] Total bugs: 2 |
[ERROR] Low: Class it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings.examples.dci.swing.swing.SwingPersonPresentation defines non-transient non-serializable instance field bindings [it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings.examples.dci.swing.swing.SwingPersonPresentation] In SwingPersonPresentation.java SE_BAD_FIELD |
[ERROR] Low: The class it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings.examples.dci.swing.swing.SwingPersonPresentation$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class [it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings.examples.dci.swing.swing.SwingPersonPresentation] At SwingPersonPresentation.java:[line 123] SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON |
[INFO] |
To see bug detail using the Spotbugs GUI, use the following command "mvn spotbugs:gui" |
[INFO] |
[INFO] --- pmd:3.20.0:cpd (default-cli) @ it-tidalwave-thesefoolishthings-examples-dci-swing --- |
[WARNING] Parameter 'aggregate' (user property 'aggregate') is deprecated: since 3.15.0 Use the goals <code>pmd:aggregate-pmd</code> and <code>pmd:aggregate-cpd</code> |