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#696 (Dec 27, 2024, 9:32:14 PM)

origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-6-SNAPSHOT 36a60f38e42a
Started 2 mo 15 days ago
Took 1.9 sec

Started by upstream project SteelBlue :: Metrics (master) build number 1323
originally caused by:

Chuck Norris IconWhen Chuck Norris' code fails to compile the compiler apologises.
TestNG Results

Jacoco - Overall Coverage Summary
Java Compiler: No warnings
  • No issues for 419 builds, i.e. since build: #278
Maven: No warnings
  • No issues for 419 builds, i.e. since build: #278
CPD: No warnings
  • No issues for 406 builds, i.e. since build: #291
AspectJ: No warnings
  • No issues for 419 builds, i.e. since build: #278
Code Analysis: No warnings
  • No issues for 419 builds, i.e. since build: #278
SpotBugs: No warnings
PMD: No warnings
  • No issues for 4 builds, i.e. since build: #693
Open Tasks Scanner: 60 warnings
    JavaDoc: No warnings
    • No issues for 419 builds, i.e. since build: #278
    1. Fixed Bitbucket pipelines config. (details)
    2. Upgraded SuperPOM to 5.9. (details)
    3. Refactored bean instantiation and added test. (details)
    4. STB-81: ToolBarModel is not in Spring context. (details)
    5. STB-82, STB-83: Role runtime classes no more on the Spring Context; beans are no more installed twice. (details)
    6. STB-84: Init property definitions renamed (prefix is now K_). (details)
    7. Example code refactored and cleaned up. (details)
    8. TheseFoolishThings upgraded to '3.2-ALPHA-25'. (details)
    9. STB-79: Improved initialisation: added method launch(). (details)
    10. STB-80: Added @EnableMessageBus which enables pubsub. (details)
    11. Dropped JavaFXApplicationWithSplaesh.fullScreen accessors; refactored. (details)
    12. STB-85: Added properties K_MAXIMIZED and K_FULL_SCREEN_LOCKED; accessors dropped. (details)
    13. STB-86: The splash screen stays visible for a minimum time. (details)
    14. Clean up. (details)
    15. STB-91: Added support for HTML text in dialogs. (details)
    16. STB-92: Added showInModalDialog(UserNotification). (details)
    17. STB-93: createSafeProxy() now supports all the interfaces of the proxied object. (details)
    18. STB-74: Now using TestFX. (details)
    19. ToolBarModel implementation refactored; added test. (details)
    20. Improved examples. (details)
    21. STB-94: Added support for the menu bar. (details)
    22. Improved documentation. (details)