Started by upstream project "SteelBlue_Metrics" build number 1064
originally caused by:
Started by timer
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace
Restoring workspace from build #1064 of project SteelBlue_Metrics
[workspace] $ /bin/sh /tmp/
DESCRIPTION: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-3-SNAPSHOT 3372f9ca84d0
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/target/**/testng-results.xml
Saving reports...
Processing '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/builds/581/testng/testng-results.xml'
TestNG Reports Processing: FINISH
[JaCoCo plugin] Collecting JaCoCo coverage data...
[JaCoCo plugin] **/**.exec;**/classes;**/src/main/java; locations are configured
[JaCoCo plugin] Number of found exec files for pattern **/**.exec: 1
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched execfiles: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/JavaFXBindings/target/jacoco.exec
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched class directories for class-pattern: **/classes:
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/JavaFXBindings/target/classes 43 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/examples/BackendExample/target/classes 12 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/examples/LargeExample/target/classes 6 files
[JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched source directories for source-pattern: **/src/main/java:
[JaCoCo plugin] Source Inclusions: null
[JaCoCo plugin] Source Exclusions: null
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/JavaFXBindings/src/main/java 41 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/examples/BackendExample/src/main/java 9 files
[JaCoCo plugin] - /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/examples/LargeExample/src/main/java 5 files
[JaCoCo plugin] Loading inclusions files..
[JaCoCo plugin] inclusions: []
[JaCoCo plugin] exclusions: [org/musicbrainz/**/*.class]
[JaCoCo plugin] Thresholds: JacocoHealthReportThresholds [minClass=0, maxClass=0, minMethod=0, maxMethod=0, minLine=0, maxLine=0, minBranch=0, maxBranch=0, minInstruction=0, maxInstruction=0, minComplexity=0, maxComplexity=0]
[JaCoCo plugin] Publishing the results..
[JaCoCo plugin] Loading packages..
[JaCoCo plugin] Done.
[JaCoCo plugin] Overall coverage: class: 16.666668, method: 6.546275, line: 4.239402, branch: 3.7593982, instruction: 4.078881, complexity: 5.199307
[description-setter] Description set: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-3-SNAPSHOT 3372f9ca84d0
[Java] Sleeping for 5 seconds due to JENKINS-32191...
[Java] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace')
[Java] Successfully parsed console log
[Java] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Java] Skipping post processing
[Java] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Java] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Java] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Java] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[Java] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[Java] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[Java] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[Java] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Java] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Java] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'java' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[Maven] Sleeping for 5 seconds due to JENKINS-32191...
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[CPD] Using default pattern '**/cpd.xml' since user defined pattern is not set
[CPD] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace' that match the pattern '**/cpd.xml'
[CPD] -> found 2 files
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/steelblue/cpd.xml
[CPD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CPD] Skipping post processing
[CPD] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[CPD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[CPD] Reference build recorder is not configured
[CPD] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[CPD] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[CPD] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[CPD] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[CPD] Health report is disabled - skipping
[CPD] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[CPD] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'cpd' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[CheckStyle] Using default pattern '**/checkstyle-result.xml' since user defined pattern is not set
[CheckStyle] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace' that match the pattern '**/checkstyle-result.xml'
[CheckStyle] -> found 4 files
[CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/JavaFXBindings/target/checkstyle-result.xml
[CheckStyle] -> found 160 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/examples/BackendExample/target/checkstyle-result.xml
[CheckStyle] -> found 37 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/modules/examples/LargeExample/target/checkstyle-result.xml
[CheckStyle] -> found 4 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/checkstyle-result.xml
[CheckStyle] -> found 201 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CheckStyle] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[CheckStyle] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[CheckStyle] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[CheckStyle] Resolving file names for all issues in source directory '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace'
[CheckStyle] -> resolved paths in source directory (47 found, 0 not found)
[CheckStyle] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[CheckStyle] -> resolved module names for 201 issues
[CheckStyle] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[CheckStyle] -> resolved package names of 47 affected files
[CheckStyle] No filter has been set, publishing all 201 issues
[CheckStyle] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[CheckStyle] -> created fingerprints for 201 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[CheckStyle] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/builds/581/files-with-issues'
[CheckStyle] -> 0 copied, 201 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[CheckStyle] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[CheckStyle] Reference build recorder is not configured
[CheckStyle] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[CheckStyle] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[CheckStyle] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 201, new: 0, fixed: 0
[CheckStyle] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[CheckStyle] Health report is disabled - skipping
[CheckStyle] Created analysis result for 201 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[CheckStyle] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'checkstyle' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[AspectJ Compiler] Sleeping for 5 seconds due to JENKINS-32191...
[AspectJ Compiler] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace')
[AspectJ Compiler] Successfully parsed console log
[AspectJ Compiler] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[AspectJ Compiler] Skipping post processing
[AspectJ Compiler] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[AspectJ Compiler] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[AspectJ Compiler] Reference build recorder is not configured
[AspectJ Compiler] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[AspectJ Compiler] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[AspectJ Compiler] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[AspectJ Compiler] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[AspectJ Compiler] Health report is disabled - skipping
[AspectJ Compiler] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[AspectJ Compiler] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'aspectj' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[CodeAnalysis] Sleeping for 5 seconds due to JENKINS-32191...
[CodeAnalysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace')
[CodeAnalysis] Successfully parsed console log
[CodeAnalysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[CodeAnalysis] Skipping post processing
[CodeAnalysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[CodeAnalysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[CodeAnalysis] Reference build recorder is not configured
[CodeAnalysis] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[CodeAnalysis] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[CodeAnalysis] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[CodeAnalysis] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[CodeAnalysis] Health report is disabled - skipping
[CodeAnalysis] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[CodeAnalysis] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'code-analysis' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[SpotBugs] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace' that match the pattern '**/target/**/findbugsXml.xml,**/target/**/spotbugsXml.xml'
[SpotBugs] -> found 3 files
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/steelblue/it-tidalwave-steelblue-modules/examples/it-tidalwave-steelblue-example-backend/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 5 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/steelblue/it-tidalwave-steelblue-modules/examples/it-tidalwave-steelblue-example-large/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 1 issue (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/steelblue/it-tidalwave-steelblue-modules/it-tidalwave-role-ui-javafx/spotbugsXml.xml
[SpotBugs] -> found 15 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[SpotBugs] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[SpotBugs] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[SpotBugs] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[SpotBugs] Resolving file names for all issues in source directory '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace'
[SpotBugs] -> resolved paths in source directory (12 found, 0 not found)
[SpotBugs] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[SpotBugs] -> all issues already have a valid module name
[SpotBugs] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[SpotBugs] -> all affected files already have a valid package name
[SpotBugs] No filter has been set, publishing all 21 issues
[SpotBugs] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[SpotBugs] -> created fingerprints for 0 issues (skipped 21 issues)
[SpotBugs] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/builds/581/files-with-issues'
[SpotBugs] -> 0 copied, 21 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[SpotBugs] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[SpotBugs] Reference build recorder is not configured
[SpotBugs] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[SpotBugs] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[SpotBugs] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 21, new: 0, fixed: 0
[SpotBugs] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[SpotBugs] Health report is disabled - skipping
[SpotBugs] Created analysis result for 21 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[SpotBugs] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'spotbugs' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[PMD] Using default pattern '**/pmd.xml' since user defined pattern is not set
[PMD] Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace' that match the pattern '**/pmd.xml'
[PMD] -> found 2 files
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 7 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace/target/steelblue/pmd.xml
[PMD] -> found 7 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PMD] Post processing issues on 'Master' with source code encoding 'UTF-8'
[PMD] Creating SCM blamer to obtain author and commit information for affected files
[PMD] -> No blamer installed yet. You need to install the 'git-forensics' plugin to enable blaming for Git.
[PMD] Resolving file names for all issues in source directory '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/workspace'
[PMD] -> resolved paths in source directory (5 found, 0 not found)
[PMD] Resolving module names from module definitions (build.xml, pom.xml, or files)
[PMD] -> resolved module names for 7 issues
[PMD] Resolving package names (or namespaces) by parsing the affected files
[PMD] -> all affected files already have a valid package name
[PMD] No filter has been set, publishing all 7 issues
[PMD] Creating fingerprints for all affected code blocks to track issues over different builds
[PMD] -> created fingerprints for 7 issues (skipped 0 issues)
[PMD] Copying affected files to Jenkins' build folder '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/SteelBlue/builds/581/files-with-issues'
[PMD] -> 0 copied, 7 not in workspace, 0 not-found, 0 with I/O error
[PMD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[PMD] Reference build recorder is not configured
[PMD] Obtaining reference build from same job (SteelBlue :: Archive)
[PMD] Using reference build 'SteelBlue #580' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[PMD] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 7, new: 0, fixed: 0
[PMD] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[PMD] Health report is disabled - skipping
[PMD] Created analysis result for 7 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[PMD] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'pmd' to build 'SteelBlue #581'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.