Build History trend
 610 KB
 639 KB
origin/fabrizio.giudici 1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT 7dd830c50aee
 457 KB
 583 KB
1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT-2ed5aee2c38d UNKNOWN
 588 KB
1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT-2ed5aee2c38d UNKNOWN

Maven project blueBell :: Build from scratch

Builds and tests blueBell from scratch, without using any Maven mirror. It doesn't run tests. The purpose of this job is to verify that the project can be compiled by any user outside the Tidalwave software factory.
Disk Usage Trend
Disk Usage Trend
Chuck Norris Icon Chuck Norris can instantiate an abstract class.Chuck Norris Icon The programs that Chuck Norris writes don't have version numbers because he only writes them once. If a user reports a bug or has a feature request they don't live to see the sun set.
Disk Usage
Directory iconJob4 MB
Directory iconAll builds3 MB
Directory iconLocked builds-
Directory iconAll workspaces3 MB
Directory iconSlave workspaces3 MB
Directory iconNon-slave workspaces-