Started 1 yr 7 mo ago
Took 10 sec
origin/master 3.2-ALPHA-24-SNAPSHOT 5066a3eb62bb
Changes | |||||||||||||||||||
Started by upstream project TheseFoolishThings :: Metrics build number 1306 | |||||||||||||||||||
Chuck Norris doesn't have disk latency because the hard drive knows to hurry the hell up. | |||||||||||||||||||
TestNG Results
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Jacoco - Overall Coverage Summary
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Java Compiler: No warnings | |||||||||||||||||||
Maven: No warnings | |||||||||||||||||||
CPD: 2 warnings (from 2 analyses) | |||||||||||||||||||
AspectJ: No warnings | |||||||||||||||||||
Code Analysis: No warnings | |||||||||||||||||||
SpotBugs: 52 warnings (from 15 analyses) | |||||||||||||||||||
PMD: 6 warnings (from 2 analyses) | |||||||||||||||||||
Open Tasks Scanner:
56 warnings
| |||||||||||||||||||
JavaDoc: No warnings |