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 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2023 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
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package it.tidalwave.role.ui;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import it.tidalwave.util.As;
import it.tidalwave.util.NamedCallback;
import it.tidalwave.util.Parameters;
import it.tidalwave.role.SimpleComposite;
import it.tidalwave.role.ui.impl.DefaultPresentationModel;
import static it.tidalwave.util.Parameters.r;
import static it.tidalwave.role.ui.Presentable._Presentable_;

 * TODO: As the NetBeans Node, it should allow children, have event listeners for children added/removed/changed.
 * This class so becomes the true M in MVC.
 * @stereotype Role
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
public interface PresentationModel extends As
<span class="fc" id="L53">    public static final Class&lt;PresentationModel&gt; PresentationModel = PresentationModel.class;</span>

<span class="fc" id="L55">    public static final As.Type&lt;SimpleComposite&lt;PresentationModel&gt;&gt; _SimpleCompositeOfPresentationModel_ =</span>
<span class="fc" id="L56">            As.type(SimpleComposite.class);</span>

    public static final String PROPERTY_CHILDREN = &quot;children&quot;;

    /** This is an undocumented feature. If you add a {@link NamedCallback} with this name as a role in this object, it
     * will be called back when {@link #dispose()} is called. */
    public static final String CALLBACK_DISPOSE = &quot;dispose&quot;;

     * Disposes this object.
    public void dispose();

     * Adds a {@link PropertyChangeListener}.
     * @param listener    the listener
    public void addPropertyChangeListener (@Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener);

     * Adds a {@link PropertyChangeListener} for the given property.
     * @param propertyName  the name of the property
     * @param listener      the listener
    public void addPropertyChangeListener (@Nonnull String propertyName, @Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener);

     * Removes a {@link PropertyChangeListener}.
     * @param listener    the listener
    public void removePropertyChangeListener (@Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener);

     * Removes a {@link PropertyChangeListener} for the given property.
     * @param propertyName  the name of the property
     * @param listener      the listener
    public void removePropertyChangeListener (@Nonnull String propertyName, @Nonnull PropertyChangeListener listener);

     * Checks whether the given property has been bound to listeners.
     * @param propertyName  the name of the property
     * @return              {@code true} if the property is bound
    public boolean hasListeners (@Nonnull String propertyName);

     * Returns all the bound {@link PropertyChangeListener}s.
     * @return              the listeners
    public PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners();

     * Returns the bound {@link PropertyChangeListener}s for the given property.
     * @param propertyName  the name of the property
     * @return              the listeners
    public PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners (@Nonnull String propertyName);

     * Creates an instance given an owner and no roles.
     * @param   owner   the owner
     * @return          the new instance
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-3
    public static PresentationModel of (@Nonnull final Object owner)
<span class="nc" id="L152">        Parameters.mustNotBeArrayOrCollection(owner, &quot;owner&quot;);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L153">        return of(owner, Collections.emptyList());</span>

     * Creates an instance given an owner and a single role.
     * @param   owner   the owner
     * @param   role    the role (or a {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory})
     * @return          the new instance
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-3
    public static PresentationModel of (@Nonnull final Object owner, @Nonnull final Object role)
<span class="nc" id="L169">        Parameters.mustNotBeArrayOrCollection(owner, &quot;owner&quot;);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L170">        Parameters.mustNotBeArrayOrCollection(role, &quot;role&quot;);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L171">        return of(owner, r(role));</span>

     * Creates an instance given an owner and multiple roles.
     * @param   owner   the owner
     * @param   roles   roles or {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory} instances
     * @return          the new instance
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-1
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-3 (refactored)
    public static PresentationModel of (@Nonnull final Object owner, @Nonnull final Collection&lt;Object&gt; roles)
<span class="fc" id="L188">        Parameters.mustNotBeArrayOrCollection(owner, &quot;owner&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L189">        return new DefaultPresentationModel(owner, roles);</span>

     * Returns an empty instance (no roles, with the exception of a dummy {@link Displayable}).
     * @return          the empty instance
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-3
    public static PresentationModel empty()
        // TODO: cache a singleton, but don't do eager initialization (e.g. a final static), as it would deadlock with
        // SteelBlue.
<span class="nc" id="L205">        return of(&quot;&quot;, Displayable.of(&quot;&lt;empty presentation model&gt;&quot;));</span>

     * Creates an instance from an owner which might have the {@link Presentable} role. If it is present, it is called
     * to create the {@code PresentationModel}; otherwise a default one is created. Additional roles are added.
     * @param   owner   the owner
     * @param   roles   roles or {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory} instances
     * @return          the new instance
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-8
     * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.experimental TODO: perhaps it could be merged to of().
    public static PresentationModel ofMaybePresentable (@Nonnull final As owner, @Nonnull final Collection&lt;Object&gt; roles)
<span class="fc" id="L223">        Parameters.mustNotBeArrayOrCollection(owner, &quot;owner&quot;);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L224">        return owner.maybeAs(_Presentable_)</span>
<span class="fc" id="L225">                    .map(p -&gt; p.createPresentationModel(roles))</span>
<span class="fc" id="L226">                    .orElseGet(() -&gt; of(owner, roles));</span>

     * Creates an instance from an owner which might have the {@link Presentable} role. If it is present, it is called
     * to create the {@code PresentationModel}; otherwise a default one is created.
     * @param   owner   the owner
     * @return          the new instance
     * @since           3.2-ALPHA-8
     * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.experimental TODO: perhaps it could be merged to of().
perhaps it could be merged to of().
* ******************************************************************************************************************/ @Nonnull public static PresentationModel ofMaybePresentable (@Nonnull final As owner) { <span class="nc" id="L243"> return ofMaybePresentable(owner, Collections.emptyList());</span> } } </pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a href="">JaCoCo</a></span></div></body></html>