Started by timer Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/.git # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Cleaning workspace > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10 Resetting working tree > git reset --hard # timeout=10 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.30.2' > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 5bd725d04573598f4b02f3f055217c9bebe07fd5 (origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 5bd725d04573598f4b02f3f055217c9bebe07fd5 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Merge branch 'fabrizio.giudici'" > git rev-list --no-walk 5bd725d04573598f4b02f3f055217c9bebe07fd5 # timeout=10 Parsing POMs using settings config with name settings-mirror Replacing all maven server entries not found in credentials list is true Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Downloaded artifact Established TCP socket on 42709 [workspace] $ /var/jenkins_home/tools/hudson.model.JDK/AdoptiumJDK_21/bin/java -DblueMarine2.musicTestSets.path=/mnt/test-data/MusicTestSets -DtestSet.stoppingdown_100_20230116.folder=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/StoppingDown_100_20230116/workspace -cp /var/jenkins_home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven35-agent-1.14.jar:/var/jenkins_home/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.9.9/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.8.0.jar:/var/jenkins_home/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.9.9/conf/logging jenkins.maven3.agent.Maven35Main /var/jenkins_home/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.9.9 /var/jenkins_home/war/WEB-INF/lib/remoting-3107.v665000b_51092.jar /var/jenkins_home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven35-interceptor-1.14.jar /var/jenkins_home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven3-interceptor-commons-1.14.jar 42709 <===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started using settings config with name settings-mirror Replacing all maven server entries not found in credentials list is true Executing Maven: -B -f /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/pom.xml -Dmaven.repo.local=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/.repository -s /tmp/settings7148156723597334739.xml -B -Dmaven.repo.local=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository -Dtft.profile.metrics.sonarGoal= -Pit.tidalwave-metrics-v2,it.tidalwave-metrics-pre-site-v1,it.tidalwave-ci-v1,generate-revision-id -Dtft.maven.requiredJdk=[21,22) [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] blueMarine II [pom] [INFO] blueMarine II (modules) [pom] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Commons [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Capture One 11 Applescript [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Commons for Tests [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Model [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Persistence [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Vocabulary [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz :: Data Model [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Scanner [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Catalog [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Downloader [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: UI [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: UI :: JavaFX [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: CEC :: Adapter [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: CEC :: Navigation Adapter [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server :: REST [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server :: UPnP [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Initializer [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Services (modules) [pom] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Services :: StoppingDown [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Headless Service [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Application :: JavaFX [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Plugins (modules) [pom] [INFO] [INFO] ----------------< it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:bluemarine2 >---------------- [INFO] Building blueMarine II 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT [1/26] [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 5bd725d04573 at timestamp: 1734926506888 [WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] Executing tasks [INFO] [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT 5bd725d04573 [INFO] [echo] Java Version: 21.0.5 -source 1.8 -target 1.8 -release [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:report (report) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- jar:3.2.0:test-jar (default-test-jar) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- install:3.0.0-M1:install (default-install) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/pom.xml to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/bluemarine2/1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT/bluemarine2-1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] >>> dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) > test-compile @ bluemarine2 >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 5bd725d04573 at timestamp: 1734926514735 [WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] [INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] Executing tasks [INFO] [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT 5bd725d04573 [INFO] [echo] Java Version: 21.0.5 -source 1.8 -target 1.8 -release [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/target/jacoco.exec [WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.AnalyzeMojo [INFO] [INFO] <<< dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) < test-compile @ bluemarine2 <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] Skipping pom project [JENKINS] Archiving disabled Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds [INFO] [INFO] ------------< it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:bluemarine2-modules >------------ [INFO] Building blueMarine II (modules) 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT [2/26] [INFO] from modules/pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 5bd725d04573 at timestamp: 1734926521215 [WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] [INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] Executing tasks [INFO] [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT 5bd725d04573 [INFO] [echo] Java Version: 21.0.5 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11 [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:report (report) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- jar:3.2.0:test-jar (default-test-jar) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- install:3.0.0-M1:install (default-install) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/pom.xml to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/bluemarine2-modules/1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT/bluemarine2-modules-1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] >>> dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) > test-compile @ bluemarine2-modules >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 5bd725d04573 at timestamp: 1734926522927 [WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] [INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] Executing tasks [INFO] [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT 5bd725d04573 [INFO] [echo] Java Version: 21.0.5 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11 [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/target/jacoco.exec [WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.AnalyzeMojo [INFO] [INFO] <<< dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) < test-compile @ bluemarine2-modules <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:analyze (default-cli) @ bluemarine2-modules --- [INFO] Skipping pom project [JENKINS] Archiving disabled Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds [INFO] [INFO] -----< it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons >------ [INFO] Building blueMarine II :: Commons 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT [3/26] [INFO] from modules/Commons/pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 5bd725d04573 at timestamp: 1734926525554 [WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-maven) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-banned-dependencies) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] [INFO] --- antrun:3.0.0:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] Executing tasks [INFO] [echo] DESCRIPTION: origin/master 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT 5bd725d04573 [INFO] [echo] Java Version: 21.0.5 -source 11 -target 11 -release 11 [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.7:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.7/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.7-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.2.0:resources (default-resources) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered properties files. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons --- [WARNING] Parameter 'optimize' (user property 'maven.compiler.optimize') is deprecated: This property is a no-op in {@code javac}. [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 21 source files to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons/target/classes [JENKINS] Archiving disabled Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for blueMarine II 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] blueMarine II ...................................... SUCCESS [ 15.790 s] [INFO] blueMarine II (modules) ............................ SUCCESS [ 3.260 s] [JENKINS] Archiving disabled [INFO] blueMarine II :: Commons ........................... FAILURE [ 17.035 s] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Capture One 11 Applescript ........ SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Commons for Tests ................. SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Model ............................. SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Persistence ....................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Vocabulary ........................ SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz :: Data Model ......... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz ....................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Scanner ..................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Catalog ........................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Downloader ........................ SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: UI ................................ SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: UI :: JavaFX ...................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: CEC :: Adapter .................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: CEC :: Navigation Adapter ......... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server ...................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server :: REST .............. SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server :: UPnP .............. SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Initializer ....................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Services (modules) ................ SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Services :: StoppingDown .......... SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Headless Service .................. SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Application :: JavaFX ............. SKIPPED [INFO] blueMarine II :: Plugins (modules) ................. SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 49.126 s [INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-23T04:02:24Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) on project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons: Compilation failure -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command [ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons using settings config with name settings-mirror Replacing all maven server entries not found in credentials list is true [workspace] $ /var/jenkins_home/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.9.9/bin/mvn -s /tmp/settings9464879100935414371.xml -Dmaven.repo.local=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/.repository -B -Dmaven.repo.local=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace@tmp/repository -DfailOnError=false -Dtft.profile.metrics.sonarGoal= -Pit.tidalwave-site-v1,it.tidalwave-ci-v1,generate-revision-id -Dtft.maven.requiredJdk=[21,22) channel stopped [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] blueMarine II [pom] [INFO] blueMarine II (modules) [pom] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Commons [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Capture One 11 Applescript [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Commons for Tests [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Model [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Persistence [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Vocabulary [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz :: Data Model [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Scanner [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Catalog [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Downloader [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: UI [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: UI :: JavaFX [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: CEC :: Adapter [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: CEC :: Navigation Adapter [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server :: REST [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Media Server :: UPnP [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Initializer [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Services (modules) [pom] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Services :: StoppingDown [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Headless Service [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Application :: JavaFX [jar] [INFO] blueMarine II :: Plugins (modules) [pom] [INFO] [INFO] ----------------< it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:bluemarine2 >---------------- [INFO] Building blueMarine II 1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT [1/26] [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- site:3.9.1:site (default-site) @ bluemarine2 --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1 [INFO] 16 reports configured for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-convergence, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-report-plugin:3.0.0-M5 [INFO] 1 report configured for maven-surefire-report-plugin:3.0.0-M5: report-only [INFO] configuring report plugin org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.7 [INFO] 1 report configured for jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.7: report-aggregate [INFO] configuring report plugin com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin: [INFO] 1 report configured for spotbugs-maven-plugin: spotbugs [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-pmd-plugin:3.14.0 [INFO] 2 reports configured for maven-pmd-plugin:3.14.0: pmd, cpd [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.0.0 [INFO] 2 reports detected for maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.0.0: checkstyle, checkstyle-aggregate [INFO] configuring report plugin org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:6.1.1 [INFO] 1 report configured for dependency-check-maven:6.1.1: aggregate [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0 [INFO] 2 reports configured for maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0: javadoc-no-fork, test-javadoc-no-fork [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] The project bluemarine2-modules does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-phaseone-captureone11-applescript does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons-test does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-musicbrainz-datamodel does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-metadata-musicbrainz does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediascanner does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui-javafx does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-cec does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-cecnavigationadapter does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediaserver does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-rest does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-upnp-mediaserver does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-initializer does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [WARNING] The project bluemarine2-services-modules does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-services-stoppingdown does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-headlessservice does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [INFO] Downloading from [WARNING] The project it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-application-javafx does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. [WARNING] The project bluemarine2-plugins-modules does not seem to be compiled. PMD results might be inaccurate. Dec 23, 2024 4:03:20 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactoryCompatibility$RuleSetFilter apply WARNING: Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been moved from ruleset "unusedcode" to "unnecessary". Please change your ruleset! Dec 23, 2024 4:03:20 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactoryCompatibility$RuleSetFilter apply WARNING: Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been renamed to "UnnecessaryModifier". Please change your ruleset! Dec 23, 2024 4:03:22 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory parseRuleSetReferenceNode WARNING: The RuleSet rulesets/java/basic.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0 Dec 23, 2024 4:03:22 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory parseRuleSetReferenceNode WARNING: The RuleSet rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0 Dec 23, 2024 4:03:23 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory parseRuleSetReferenceNode WARNING: The RuleSet rulesets/java/imports.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0 Dec 23, 2024 4:03:23 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactoryCompatibility$RuleSetFilter apply WARNING: Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been moved from ruleset "unusedcode" to "unnecessary". Please change your ruleset! Dec 23, 2024 4:03:23 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactoryCompatibility$RuleSetFilter apply WARNING: Applying rule set filter: The rule "UnusedModifier" has been renamed to "UnnecessaryModifier". Please change your ruleset! Dec 23, 2024 4:03:24 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory parseRuleSetReferenceNode WARNING: The RuleSet rulesets/java/basic.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0 Dec 23, 2024 4:03:24 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory parseRuleSetReferenceNode WARNING: The RuleSet rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0 Dec 23, 2024 4:03:24 AM net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory parseRuleSetReferenceNode WARNING: The RuleSet rulesets/java/imports.xml has been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0 [WARNING] There are 3 PMD processing errors: [WARNING] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Catalog/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/model/impl/catalog/finder/ PMDException: Error while parsing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Catalog/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/model/impl/catalog/finder/ /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/util/ PMDException: Error while parsing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Commons/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/util/ /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Model/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/model/ PMDException: Error while parsing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueMarine2_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_21/workspace/modules/Model/src/main/java/it/tidalwave/bluemarine2/model/ [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [INFO] Relativizing decoration links with respect to localized project URL: [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-fluido-skin:jar:1.7 skin. [INFO] Skipped "About" report (maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:index), file "index.html" already exists. [INFO] Rendering 1 Doxia document: 1 markdown [INFO] Generating "CI Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:ci-management [INFO] Generating "Dependency Convergence" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:dependency-convergence [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "Distribution Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:distribution-management [INFO] Generating "Issue Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:issue-management [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Project Modules" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:modules [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:plugin-management [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloaded from (2.7 kB at 8.2 kB/s) [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Source Code Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:scm [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:summary [INFO] Generating "Team" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.1.1:team [INFO] Generating "Surefire Report" report --- maven-surefire-report-plugin:3.0.0-M5:report-only [WARNING] Unable to locate Test Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [INFO] Generating "JaCoCo Aggregate" report --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.7:report-aggregate [INFO] Generating "PMD" report --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.14.0:pmd [INFO] Generating "CPD" report --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.14.0:cpd [INFO] Generating "Checkstyle" report --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.0.0:checkstyle-aggregate [INFO] There are 1302 errors reported by Checkstyle 6.18 with it/tidalwave/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml ruleset. [WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED [INFO] Generating "dependency-check:aggregate" report --- dependency-check-maven:6.1.1:aggregate [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui-javafx:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-cec:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-musicbrainz-datamodel:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-initializer:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-upnp-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-rest:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-services-stoppingdown:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui-javafx:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-initializer:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-upnp-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-rest:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-services-stoppingdown:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-cecnavigationadapter:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-cec:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-rest:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Downloading from [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-upnp-mediaserver:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-rest:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-ui:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-downloader:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-model:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-catalog:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-persistence:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-vocabulary:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Unable to resolve it.tidalwave.bluemarine2:it-tidalwave-bluemarine2-commons:1.1-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT as it has not been built yet - creating a virtual dependency instead. [INFO] Checking for updates [INFO] NVD CVE requires several updates; this could take a couple of minutes. [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2002 [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2005 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2005 (1282 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2006 [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2005 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2002 (1401 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2007 [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2002 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2006 (1503 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2008 [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2006 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2007 (1620 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2009 [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2007 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2008 (1551 ms) [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2009 (1469 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2010 [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2011 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2010 (1424 ms) [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2011 (1322 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2012 [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2013 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2012 (1648 ms) [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2013 (1545 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2014 [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2015 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2015 (1349 ms) [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2014 (1432 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2016 [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2017 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2016 (1771 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2018 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2017 (1888 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2019 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2019 (1890 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2020 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2018 (2195 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2021 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2020 (1993 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2022 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2021 (2269 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2023 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2022 (1963 ms) [INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - 2024 [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2023 (2205 ms) [INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - 2024 (2659 ms) [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2005 (180148 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2008 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2002 (183982 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2009 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2007 (192990 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2011 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2006 (229126 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2010 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2009 (155068 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2012 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2011 (167884 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2013 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2008 (195944 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2014 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2010 (171792 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2015 [INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2012 (221353 ms) [INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - 2016