Build History trend
 3 MB
origin/release/1.0-ALPHA-9 1.0-ALPHA-9-SNAPSHOT cdf9a1755e94
 8 KB
 7 KB
 4 KB
 4 KB

Maven project blueHour :: Metrics (feature branches)

Builds blueHour running the QA tools.
Disk Usage Trend
Disk Usage Trend
Test Result Trend
Chuck Norris Icon Chuck Norris does not use exceptions when programming. He has not been able to identify any of his code that is not exceptional.Chuck Norris Icon Chuck Norris doesn't need the cloud to scale his applications, he uses his laptop.
Code Coverage Trend
TestNG Results
Disk Usage
Directory iconJob12 MB
Directory iconAll builds3 MB
Directory iconLocked builds-
Directory iconAll workspaces25 MB
Directory iconSlave workspaces25 MB
Directory iconNon-slave workspaces-
Latest Test Result (no failures)
Latest Test Result (no failures)