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#600 (Jan 25, 2023, 6:59:43 AM)

origin/master 1.0-ALPHA-9-SNAPSHOT aa31935cf203
Started 2 yr 2 mo ago
Took 47 sec

Started by upstream project blueHour :: Metrics (master) build number 1230
originally caused by:

  • Started by timer
Chuck Norris IconChuck Norris' addition operator doesn't commute; it teleports to where he needs it to be.
TestNG Results

  • Total Tests: 18 (+3)
  • Failed Configurations: 0 (±0)
    • Failed Tests: 0 (-1)
      • Skipped Tests: 0 (-1)
        • Skipped Configurations: 0 (±0)
          Jacoco - Overall Coverage Summary
          Java Compiler: No warnings
          Maven: No warnings
          CPD: No warnings
          CheckStyle: 537 warnings
          AspectJ: No warnings
          Code Analysis: No warnings
          SpotBugs: 8 warnings
          PMD: 2 warnings
          Open Tasks Scanner: 777 warnings
          JavaDoc: No warnings
          1. PARTIAL: API upgraded to TheseFoolishThings 3.2-ALPHA-15-SNAPSHOT. (details)
          2. Updated IDEA files. (details)
          3. SteelBlue upgraded to 1.1-ALPHA-2. (details)
          4. Updated headers. (details)
          5. Clean up. (details)
          6. Fix for BH-40. (details)
          7. Fixed test consistency. (details)
          8. Refactored. (details)
          9. Fixed broken test. (details)
          10. Refactored Money constructor. (details)
          11. Fix to allow release in Central Repo. (details)
          12. POM clean up. (details)
          13. Updated README. (details)
          14. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0-ALPHA-8 (details)
          15. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)