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#271 (Mar 5, 2021, 1:57:38 PM)

origin/master 1.0-ALPHA-7-SNAPSHOT 6d17e9b5b362
Started 4 yr 0 mo ago
Took 31 sec

Started by upstream project blueHour :: Metrics (master) build number 528
originally caused by:

Chuck Norris IconChuck Norris doesn't need a java compiler, he goes straight to .war
TestNG Results

Jacoco - Overall Coverage Summary
Java Compiler: No warnings
Maven: No warnings
CPD: No warnings
CheckStyle: 673 warnings
AspectJ: No warnings
Code Analysis: No warnings
SpotBugs: 33 warnings
PMD: 4 warnings
Open Tasks Scanner: 180 warnings
JavaDoc: No warnings
  1. Added Idea files. (details)
  2. Fixed assembly descriptors. (details)
  3. Fix for BH-29 and BH-30. (details)
  4. Module renamed. (details)
  5. Formatted. (details)
  6. Fix for BH-29. (details)
  7. Updated copyright notice. (details)
  8. Fix for BH-29. (details)
  9. Added Tidalwave repo for JDK images. (details)
  10. Fixed Lombok warnings. (details)
  11. Fixed Travis configuration for jpackager. (details)
  12. Upgraded Super POM. (details)
  13. Fixed Travis config. (details)
  14. Fixed Lombok warning. (details)
  15. Upgraded Guava. (details)
  16. Changed name. (details)
  17. Upgraded Spring to 5.3.1. (details)
  18. Upgraded to latest Super POM, which automatically downloads jpackager if not installed. (details)
  19. ... (details)
  20. Fix for BH-32. (details)
  21. Added site skin. (details)
  22. Added Idea file. (details)
  23. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0-ALPHA-6 (details)
  24. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)