Started by user Fabrizio Giudici Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace/.git # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.39.5' > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 2ed5aee2c38d66b9c5f8d13f15815b16bb081cd2 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 2ed5aee2c38d66b9c5f8d13f15815b16bb081cd2 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Merge branch 'fabrizio.giudici'" First time build. Skipping changelog. using settings config with name settings-mirror Replacing all maven server entries not found in credentials list is true [workspace] $ /var/jenkins_home/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/Maven_3.9.9/bin/mvn -s /tmp/settings7324304366011201266.xml -B -Dtft.profile.metrics.sonarGoal= -Pit.tidalwave-metrics-v2,it.tidalwave-ci-v1,generate-revision-id -Dtft.maven.requiredJdk=[17,18) -Dmaven.repo.local=/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/executors/2 [INFO] Scanning for projects... [WARNING] The following dependencies may conflict with the internal versions provided by the Android platform: [org.khronos:opengl-api:jar:gl1.1-android-2.1_r1:provided, org.json:json:jar:20080701:provided, commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:provided, xerces:xmlParserAPIs:jar:2.6.2:provided, xpp3:xpp3:jar:1.1.4c:provided, org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.0.1:provided] It is recommended to shade these artifacts. You can read more about this here: Alternatively, you can disable this warning with the'disableConflictingDependenciesWarning' parameter. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] blueBell [pom] [INFO] blueBell (modules) [pom] [INFO] blueBell - Sony Camera API [jar] [INFO] blueBell - UI [jar] [INFO] blueBell - Android Application [apk] [WARNING] 1 problem was encountered while building the effective model for org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:jar:1.9 during plugin request org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.9 (use -X to see details) [WARNING] The POM for org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:jar:2.0 is missing, no dependency information available [WARNING] Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:2.0: Plugin org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:2.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:jar:2.0 was not found in during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of has elapsed or updates are forced [INFO] [INFO] -------------------< it.tidalwave.bluebell:bluebell >------------------- [INFO] Building blueBell 1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT [1/5] [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [WARNING] The POM for org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:jar:2.0 is missing, no dependency information available [WARNING] Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:2.0: Plugin org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:2.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:jar:2.0 was not found in during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of has elapsed or updates are forced [WARNING] Parameter 'skipTests' is unknown for plugin 'jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:prepare-agent (prepare-agent)' [WARNING] Parameter 'skipTests' is unknown for plugin 'jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:report (report)' [WARNING] Parameter 'linkXref' is unknown for plugin 'maven-pmd-plugin:3.7:cpd (default-cli)' [WARNING] Parameter 'linkXref' is unknown for plugin 'maven-pmd-plugin:3.7:pmd (default-cli)' [WARNING] Parameter 'skipTests' is unknown for plugin 'jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:prepare-agent (prepare-agent)' [WARNING] Parameter 'skipTests' is unknown for plugin 'jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:prepare-agent (prepare-agent)' [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ bluebell --- [INFO] Deleting /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace/target [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber:1.4:create (default) @ bluebell --- [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 2ed5aee2c38d at timestamp: 1735027961243 [WARNING] Cannot get the branch information from the git repository: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref [INFO] ShortRevision tag detected. The value is '12'. [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd '/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace' && 'git' 'rev-parse' '--verify' '--short=12' 'HEAD' [INFO] Working directory: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- enforcer:1.4.1:enforce (enforce-maven) @ bluebell --- [INFO] [INFO] --- antrun:1.7:run (generate-and-print-build-description) @ bluebell --- [INFO] Executing tasks main: [echo] DESCRIPTION: 1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT-2ed5aee2c38d UNKNOWN [echo] Java Version: 17.0.13 -source 1.7 -target 1.7 [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.7.8:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ bluebell --- [INFO] tft.test.jacoco.argLine set to -javaagent:/var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/executors/2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.7.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.7.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.7.8:report (report) @ bluebell --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- jar:2.6:jar (package-jar) @ bluebell --- [WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion! [INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace/target/bluebell-1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT.2ed5aee2c38d.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- jar:2.6:test-jar (package-test-jar) @ bluebell --- [INFO] Skipping packaging of the test-jar [INFO] [INFO] --- install:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ bluebell --- [INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/blueBell_Metrics_AdoptiumJDK_17/workspace/pom.xml to /var/jenkins_home/maven-repositories/executors/2/it/tidalwave/bluebell/bluebell/1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT/bluebell-1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- findbugs:3.0.3:findbugs (default-cli) @ bluebell --- [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for blueBell 1.0-ALPHA-1-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] blueBell ........................................... FAILURE [ 2.959 s] [INFO] blueBell (modules) ................................. SKIPPED [INFO] blueBell - Sony Camera API ......................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueBell - UI ...................................... SKIPPED [INFO] blueBell - Android Application ..................... SKIPPED [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 6.196 s [INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-24T08:12:43Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.3:findbugs (default-cli) on project bluebell: Execution default-cli of goal org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.3:findbugs failed: Unable to make private java.util.Locale(sun.util.locale.BaseLocale,sun.util.locale.LocaleExtensions) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @1618c98a -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure TestNG Reports Processing: START Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/target/**/testng-results.xml Did not find any matching files. [Java CompilerMavenCPDPMDAspectJCode AnalysisSpotBugsOpen Tasks ScannerOWASP Dependency CheckJavaDoc] Skipping execution of recorder since overall result is 'FAILURE' [description-setter] Description set: Started calculate disk usage of build Finished Calculation of disk usage of build in 0 seconds Started calculate disk usage of workspace Finished Calculation of disk usage of workspace in 0 seconds Finished: FAILURE