Content of file superpom-2.16.pom
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>TheseFoolishThings - SuperPOM</name>
<name>Tidalwave s.a.s. (</name>
<name>Fabrizio Giudici</name>
<organization>Tidalwave s.a.s.</organization>
<comments>Apache License 2.0</comments>
<tft.project.description>TheseFoolishThings Super POM</tft.project.description>
<!-- Deprecated properties replaced by tft.* ones -->
<testFailureIgnore>false</testFailureIgnore> <!-- backward compatibility, to be dropped -->
<tft.defaultGoal>clean install</tft.defaultGoal>
<tft.profile.metrics.defaultGoal>install findbugs:findbugs pmd:cpd pmd:pmd checkstyle:checkstyle clirr:clirr javancss:report dependency:analyze</tft.profile.metrics.defaultGoal>
<tft.javadoc.doclint />
<tft.release.preparationGoals>clean install verify</tft.release.preparationGoals>
<tft.release.completionGoals />
<tft.release.goals>clean install source:test-jar javadoc:javadoc assembly:assembly deploy</tft.release.goals>
<tft.test.vmOptions />
<!-- tft.test.listeners></tft.test.listeners -->
<tft.UmlGraphDoc.version>5.1</tft.UmlGraphDoc.version> <!-- the latest available at the Maven Central Repo -->
<tft.UmlGraphDoc.additionalParam>-views -attributes -operations -types -postfixpackage -nodefontpackagesize 6 -nodefontclasssize 8 -nodefontsize 7 -edgefontsize 7 -nodesep 0.05 -ranksep 0.1 -visibility -inferdep -inferrel -inferdepinpackage -hide java.*|javax.*</tft.UmlGraphDoc.additionalParam>
<!--==== Plugin Versions ==================================================================================-->
<tft.maven-bundle-plugin.version>2.0.1</tft.maven-bundle-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 2.3.7 -->
<tft.maven-jetty-plugin.version>6.1.24</tft.maven-jetty-plugin.version> <!-- FIXME: 7.0.0.pre5 breaks current projects -->
<tft.maven-replacer-plugin.version>1.3.9</tft.maven-replacer-plugin.version> <!-- TODO: 1.5.2 -->
<tft.maven-resources-plugin.version>2.5</tft.maven-resources-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 2.6 -->
<tft.cobertura-maven-plugin.version>2.5.1</tft.cobertura-maven-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 2.5.2 -->
<tft.exec-maven-plugin.version>1.1.1</tft.exec-maven-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 1.2.1, but version 1.2 breaks the generation of .description -->
<tft.gmaven-plugin.version>1.0</tft.gmaven-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 1.4 -->
<tft.jaxb2-maven-plugin.version>1.3</tft.jaxb2-maven-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 1.5 -->
<tft.jaxws-maven-plugin.version>2.1</tft.jaxws-maven-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 2.2.1 -->
<></> <!-- TODO: plugin changed name -->
<tft.tomcat-maven-plugin.version>1.1</tft.tomcat-maven-plugin.version> <!-- TODO 2.1 -->
<name>Sonatype Snapshots Repository</name>
<name>Sonatype Release Repository</name>
<name>Sonatype Snapshot Repository</name>
<!--==== Testing ======================================================================================-->
<!-- For changeSet to be properly evaluated by assembly:assembly, use also the validate goal -->
<!-- ***********************************************************************************************************
* We want reproducible builds, so all Maven plugins have explicit version numbers.
************************************************************************************************************ -->
This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the
Maven build itself. Note that the plugin doesn't actually exist, it's just a placeholder used to
store some m2e configuration.
<ignore />
<!-- ***********************************************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************************ -->
<!-- Compiler -->
<!-- Assembler to produce final artifacts. -->
<!-- References to assembly descriptors are in profiles -->
<!-- Executes tests -->
<!-- systemProperties>
</systemProperties -->
<argLine>-Xmx${tft.test.maxMemory} ${tft.test.vmOptions}</argLine>
<!-- properties> FIXME: doesn't work if left empty -> crashes surefire
| doesn't work if left empty -> crashes surefire | |
</properties -->
<useDefaultManifestFile>true</useDefaultManifestFile> <!-- required since nbm-plugin 3.0-->
<!-- CheckStyle (not in a profile, to be used by NetBeans editor) -->
<!-- Configures the release process, calling the assembly to include extra artifacts in deploy -->
<arguments>-P${release.profiles} -DaltDeploymentRepository="${altDeploymentRepository}" -DdryRun=${dryRun}</arguments>
<message>To build this project JDK ${tft.maven.requiredJdk} is required. Please install it and properly set JAVA_HOME.</message>
<!-- Note that this rule is currently not working with Maven 3.x -->
<message>Best Practice is to always define plugin versions!</message>
<!-- Configuration must be replicated in reporting section -->
<!-- Works around TODO: issue is marked fixed, try to remove it -->
<plugin> <!-- DEPRECATED in favour of license-maven-plugin -->
<!-- includes>
</includes -->
<!-- Configuration must be replicated in reporting section -->
<head>Status: stable API</head>
<head>Status: stable API</head>
<head>Status: draft API</head>
<head>Status: draft API</head>
<head>Status: experimental API</head>
<head>Status: experimental API</head>
<additionalparam>${tft.UmlGraphDoc.additionalParam} ${tft.javadoc.doclint}</additionalparam>
This profile is used in Continous Integration to create QA metrics data.
<!-- Cobertura -->
<!-- Cobertura -->
<!-- version must be replicated here -->
<!-- FindBugs -->
<!-- version must be replicated here -->
<!-- PMD -->
<!-- version must be replicated here -->
This profile is used in Continous Integration to create QA metrics data.
<argLine>-Xmx${tft.test.maxMemory} ${tft.test.vmOptions} ${tft.test.jacoco.argLine}</argLine>
<!-- Jacoco -->
<!-- This properly sets ${tft.test.jacoco.argLine} so it's later used by Surefire -->
<!-- Jacoco -->
<!-- version must be replicated here -->
<!-- FindBugs -->
<!-- version must be replicated here -->
<!-- PMD -->
<!-- version must be replicated here -->
This profile is activated during a release.
<!-- FIXME: this directory is created in all submodules, only the master one is needed -->
<delete dir="${}/target-maven-repo" />
This profile signs the build artifacts. It is automatically enabled during a release; signing requires that the
proper certificates have been locally set up with PGP. If you want to skip signing, set the property
tft.release.sign-artifacts.skip to true.
This profile stores the current build description and Java version into a local file - used for Hudson builds.
<echo file="${tft.descriptionStamp}">DESCRIPTION: ${project.version}-${buildNumber}${line.separator}</echo>
<loadfile property="tft.description" srcFile="${tft.descriptionStamp}" />
<echo>Java Version: ${java.version} -source ${tft.javac.source} -target ${tft.javac.source}</echo>
This profile prints the current build description and Java version - used for Hudson builds.
<loadfile property="tft.description" srcFile="${tft.descriptionStamp}" />
<echo>Java Version: ${java.version} -source ${tft.javac.source} -target ${tft.javac.source}</echo>
This profile detects Mercurial, it's used by the release-commit profile.
This profile detects Git, it's used by the release-commit profile.
This profile deploys local artifacts to the remote repository and pushes SCM changes after a successful staged
Run as mvn -N -Prelease-commit
<target name="push-hg" if="tft.scm-detector.hg">
<exec executable="hg" dir="${}">
<arg value="push" />
<target name="push-git" if="tft.scm-detector.git">
<exec executable="git" dir="${}">
<arg value="push" />
<arg value="origin" />
<arg value="master" />
<arg value="--tags" />
This profile is executed when a staged release is canceled - it erases the local SCM repository. BEWARE: this has
been designed to work with Hudson, not on your local workarea.
<!-- FIXME: would be better to strip local changes -->
<target name="strip-hg" if="tft.scm-detector.hg">
<delete dir="${}/.hg" />
<!-- FIXME: would be better to strip local changes -->
<target name="strip-git" if="tft.scm-detector.git">
<delete dir="${}/.git" />
This profile deploys the extra artifacts that are created by the assembly plugin.
<defaultGoal>initialize assembly:assembly build-helper:attach-artifact verify deploy:deploy</defaultGoal>
This profiles creates an assembly 'bin' artifact if its configuration file is present.
<descriptors combine.children="append">
<artifacts combine.children="append">
This profiles creates an assembly 'project' artifact if its configuration file is present.
<descriptors combine.children="append">
<artifacts combine.children="append">
This profile configures Tomcat for the build. Create an empty file in src/config/activate-tomcat-profile to
activate it.
This profile configures Jetty for the build. Create an empty file in src/config/activate-jetty-profile to activate it.
<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
<baseResource implementation="org.mortbay.resource.ResourceCollection">
<!-- Workaround for Maven/Jetty issue -->
<!-- <resources>src/main/webapp,${}/${}</resources> -->
This profile configures AspectJ in the build. Create an empty file in src/config/activate-aspectj-profile to
activate it.
<!-- Will be no more needed when is fixed -->
<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<iajc destDir="${}/classes" inpath="${}/classes" source="${tft.javac.source}" target="${}" aspectPath="${org.springframework:spring-aspects:jar}" classpathRef="maven.compile.classpath" Xlint="ignore" />
<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
<iajc destDir="${}/test-classes" inpath="${}/test-classes" source="${tft.javac.source}" target="${}" aspectPath="${org.springframework:spring-aspects:jar}" classpathRef="maven.compile.classpath" Xlint="ignore" />
This profile configures AspectJ for Spring in the build. Create an empty file in
to activate it.
This profile arranges things so that AspectJ is compatibile with other tools that manipulate the bytecode, such as
annotation processors (e.g. Lombok). The original, unwoven classes are stored in target/unwoven-classes and
<!-- Create the target directories for unwoven classes -->
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<!-- Prevent ajc from finding sources -->
<sources />
<testSources />
<!-- This is important because sometimes the plugin decides that there's nothing to do
because sources are not specified -->
This profile compiles custom Vaadin widgets into GWT components.
<!-- Compile custom GWT components or widget dependencies with the GWT compiler -->
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
This profile configures the jarbundler for the build. Create an empty file in
src/config/it.tidalwave-netbeans-platform-appbundle-embedded-jre-profile-v2 to activate it.
<taskdef name="bundleapp" classname="" classpath="src/main/app-resources/appbundler-${tft.appbundler.version}.jar" />
<!-- FIXME applicationCategory=""-->
<bundleapp outputdirectory="${}" name="${}" displayname="${}" icon="src/main/app-resources/${netbeans.cluster}.icns" identifier="${project.groupId}" shortversion="${project.version}" mainclassname="${tft.netbeans.main}" signature="${tft.appbundle.signature}">
<runtime dir="${}/jdk/${tft.embedded-jdk-name}/Contents/Home" />
<classpath dir="${project.basedir}" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="target/application/${netbeans.cluster}/platform/lib/*.jar" />
<include name="target/boot/*.jar" />
<options value="${tft.netbeans.vmargs}" />
<option value="-Dnetbeans.home=$APP_ROOT/Contents/Java/${netbeans.cluster}/platform" />
<option value="-Dit.tidalwave.netbeans.boot.branding=${netbeans.brandingToken}" />
<option value="-Dit.tidalwave.netbeans.boot.userDirName=${}" />
<option value="${}" />
<option value="-Xdock:name=${}" />
<option value="-Xbootclasspath/a:$APP_ROOT/Contents/PlugIns/${tft.embedded-jdk-name}/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar" />
<copy todir="${}/${}.app/Contents/Java">
<fileset dir="${}/application">
<exclude name="*/bin/**" />
<exclude name="*/etc/*.conf" />
<exclude name="*/platform/docs/**" />
<exclude name="*/platform/lib/nbexec*" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Mac OS X" executable="hdiutil">
<arg value="create" />
<arg value="-noanyowners" />
<arg value="-imagekey" />
<arg value="zlib-level=1" />
<arg value="-srcfolder" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Linux" executable="mkisofs">
<arg value="-V" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="-U" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="-D" />
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="-L" />
<arg value="-allow-multidot" />
<arg value="-max-iso9660-filenames" />
<arg value="-relaxed-filenames" />
<arg value="-no-iso-translate" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<arg value="-root" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<gzip src="${}/${}.dmg" destfile="${}/${}.dmg.gz" />
This profile configures the jarbundler for the build. Create an empty file in
src/config/it.tidalwave-netbeans-platform-appbundle-profile-v2 to activate it.
<!-- FIXME: until we're able to put jfxrt.jar to the bootclasspath, copy it to the appbundle -->
<taskdef name="bundleapp" classname="" classpath="src/main/app-resources/appbundler-${tft.appbundler.version}.jar" />
<!-- FIXME applicationCategory=""-->
<!-- FIXME: way to specify min Java version? -->
<bundleapp outputdirectory="${}" name="${}" displayname="${}" icon="src/main/app-resources/${netbeans.cluster}.icns" identifier="${project.groupId}" shortversion="${project.version}" mainclassname="${tft.netbeans.main}" signature="${tft.appbundle.signature}">
<classpath dir="${project.basedir}" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="target/application/${netbeans.cluster}/platform/lib/*.jar" />
<include name="target/boot/*.jar" />
<options value="${tft.netbeans.vmargs}" />
<option value="-Dnetbeans.home=$APP_ROOT/Contents/Java/${netbeans.cluster}/platform" />
<option value="-Dit.tidalwave.netbeans.boot.branding=${netbeans.brandingToken}" />
<option value="-Dit.tidalwave.netbeans.boot.userDirName=${}" />
<option value="${}" />
<option value="-Xdock:name=${}" />
<copy todir="${}/${}.app/Contents/Java">
<fileset dir="${}/application">
<exclude name="*/bin/**" />
<exclude name="*/etc/*.conf" />
<exclude name="*/platform/docs/**" />
<exclude name="*/platform/lib/nbexec*" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Mac OS X" executable="hdiutil">
<arg value="create" />
<arg value="-noanyowners" />
<arg value="-imagekey" />
<arg value="zlib-level=1" />
<arg value="-srcfolder" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Linux" executable="mkisofs">
<arg value="-V" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="-U" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="-D" />
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="-L" />
<arg value="-allow-multidot" />
<arg value="-max-iso9660-filenames" />
<arg value="-relaxed-filenames" />
<arg value="-no-iso-translate" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<arg value="-root" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<gzip src="${}/${}.dmg" destfile="${}/${}.dmg.gz" />
This profile configures the jarbundler for the build. Create an empty file in
activate-it.tidalwave-javafx-embedded-appbundle-v1-profile to activate it.
<taskdef name="bundleapp" classname="" classpath="src/main/app-resources/appbundler-${tft.appbundler.version}.jar" />
<!-- FIXME applicationCategory=""-->
<!-- FIXME: way to specify min Java version? -->
<bundleapp outputdirectory="${}" name="${}" displayname="${}" icon="src/main/app-resources/${}.icns" identifier="${project.groupId}" shortversion="${project.version}" mainclassname="${tft.mainClass}" signature="${tft.appbundle.signature}">
<runtime dir="${}/jdk/${tft.embedded-jdk-name}/Contents/Home" />
<classpath dir="${project.basedir}" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="target/application/*.jar" />
<options value="${tft.javafx.vmargs}" />
<option value="${}" />
<option value="-Xdock:name=${}" />
<option value="-Xbootclasspath/a:$APP_ROOT/Contents/PlugIns/${tft.embedded-jdk-name}/Contents/Home/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Mac OS X" executable="hdiutil">
<arg value="create" />
<arg value="-noanyowners" />
<arg value="-imagekey" />
<arg value="zlib-level=1" />
<arg value="-srcfolder" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Linux" executable="mkisofs">
<arg value="-V" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="-U" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="-D" />
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="-L" />
<arg value="-allow-multidot" />
<arg value="-max-iso9660-filenames" />
<arg value="-relaxed-filenames" />
<arg value="-no-iso-translate" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<arg value="-root" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<gzip src="${}/${}.dmg" destfile="${}/${}.dmg.gz" />
This profile configures the jarbundler for the build. Create an empty file in
src/config/activate-it.tidalwave-javafx-appbundle-v1-profile to activate it.
<!-- FIXME: workaround until we're able to put it in bootclasspath -->
<taskdef name="bundleapp" classname="" classpath="src/main/app-resources/appbundler-${tft.appbundler.version}.jar" />
<!-- FIXME applicationCategory=""-->
<!-- FIXME: way to specify min Java version? -->
<bundleapp outputdirectory="${}" name="${}" displayname="${}" icon="src/main/app-resources/${}.icns" identifier="${project.groupId}" shortversion="${project.version}" mainclassname="${tft.mainClass}" signature="${tft.appbundle.signature}">
<classpath dir="${project.basedir}" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="target/application/*.jar" />
<options value="${tft.javafx.vmargs}" />
<option value="${}" />
<option value="-Xdock:name=${}" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Mac OS X" executable="hdiutil">
<arg value="create" />
<arg value="-noanyowners" />
<arg value="-imagekey" />
<arg value="zlib-level=1" />
<arg value="-srcfolder" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<exec dir="${}" os="Linux" executable="mkisofs">
<arg value="-V" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="-U" />
<arg value="-f" />
<arg value="-D" />
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="-L" />
<arg value="-allow-multidot" />
<arg value="-max-iso9660-filenames" />
<arg value="-relaxed-filenames" />
<arg value="-no-iso-translate" />
<arg value="-r" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="${}.dmg" />
<arg value="-root" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<arg value="${}.app" />
<gzip src="${}/${}.dmg" destfile="${}/${}.dmg.gz" />
Deploys to a public repo those artifacts that have been generated during a release process and stored in a local
repository. Run as:
mvn -N -Pit.tidalwave.publish-artifacts-v1
Note: on Mac OS X you need to run this with (or other directory).
<defaultGoal>initialize org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:copy</defaultGoal>
This profile updates all the dependencies to their latest release. The project must be structured in the standard
TheseFoolishThings layout. Run as:
mvn -N -Pit.tidalwave-update-releases-v1
This profile updates all the dependencies to their latest snapshots. The project must be structured in the standard
TheseFoolishThings layout. Run as:
mvn -N -Pit.tidalwave-update-snapshots-v1
This profile updates the headers of files.
This profile checks the headers of files.
<!-- Version must be copied here because of -->
<!-- Configuration must be replicated in build section -->
<head>Status: stable API</head>
<head>Status: stable API</head>
<head>Status: draft API</head>
<head>Status: draft API</head>
<head>Status: experimental API</head>
<head>Status: experimental API</head>
<additionalparam>${tft.UmlGraphDoc.additionalParam} ${tft.javadoc.doclint}</additionalparam>
<!-- Version must be copied here because of -->
<!-- Configuration must be replicated in build section -->
<!-- Version must be copied here because of -->
<!-- Configuration must be replicated in build section -->