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 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
 * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2023 by Tidalwave s.a.s. (
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package it.tidalwave.util;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
import it.tidalwave.role.impl.AsDelegate;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

 * Objects implementing this interface can provide am adapter of the required type. The adapter can be found with a
 * variety of approaches that depend on the implementation. This capability can be used to implement a design based
 * on the Data, Context and Interaction pattern (DCI). For further details, please look at the
 * &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;project website&lt;/a&gt;, where a tutorial is available.
 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
 * @it.tidalwave.javadoc.stable
public interface As
     * A type reference for roles that can be used in place of a class literal, especially when roles with generics are
     * used. Example of usage:
     * &lt;pre&gt;
     *     interface DataRetriever&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;
     *       {
     *         public List&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; retrieve();
     *       }
     *     class CodeSample
     *       {
     *         private static final As.Type&amp;lt;DataRetriever&amp;lt;String&amp;gt;&amp;gt; _StringRetriever_ = As.type(DataRetriever.class);
     *         public void method (As object)
     *           {
     *             List&amp;lt;String&amp;gt; f3 =;
     *           }
     *       }
     * &lt;/pre&gt;
     * @since     3.2-ALPHA-12
<span class="pc bpc" id="L75" title="13 of 14 branches missed.">    @RequiredArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode @ToString</span>
    public static final class Type&lt;T&gt;
        private final Class&lt;?&gt; type;

        @Nonnull @SuppressWarnings(&quot;unchecked&quot;)
        /* package */ Class&lt;T&gt; getType()
<span class="nc" id="L85">            return (Class&lt;T&gt;)type;</span>

     * Creates an {@code As} implementation delegate for the given object (or returns the object itself if it is the
     * default implementation of {@code As}).
     * @param     object         the object
     * @return                   the implementation
     * @since     3.2-ALPHA-12
    public static As forObject (@Nonnull final Object object)
<span class="nc bnc" id="L102" title="All 2 branches missed.">        return (object instanceof AsDelegate) ? (As)object : new AsDelegate(object);</span>

     * Creates an {@code As} implementation delegate for the given object. It accepts a single pre-instantiated role,
     * or a {@link RoleFactory} that will be invoked to create additional roles.
     * @param     object         the object
     * @param     role           the role or {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory}
     * @return                   the implementation
     * @since     3.2-ALPHA-13
    public static As forObject (@Nonnull final Object object, @Nonnull final Object role)
<span class="nc" id="L119">        return new AsDelegate(object, role);</span>

     * Creates an {@code As} implementation delegate for the given object. It accepts a collection of pre-instantiated
     * roles, or instances of {@link RoleFactory} that will be invoked to create additional roles.
     * @param     object         the object
     * @param     roles          roles or {@link it.tidalwave.util.RoleFactory} instances
     * @return                   the implementation
     * @since     3.2-ALPHA-13
    public static As forObject (@Nonnull final Object object, @Nonnull final Collection&lt;Object&gt; roles)
<span class="nc" id="L136">        return new AsDelegate(object, roles);</span>

     * Returns an adapter to this object of the specified type. If the implementation can find multiple compliant
     * adapters, only one will be returned.
     * @param   &lt;T&gt;     the static type
     * @param   type    the dynamic type
     * @return          the adapter
     * @throws          AsException if no adapter is found
    public default &lt;T&gt; T as (@Nonnull final Class&lt;? extends T&gt; type)
<span class="fc" id="L153">        return maybeAs(type).orElseThrow(() -&gt; new AsException(type));</span>

     * Returns the requested role or an empty {@link Optional}.
     * @param   &lt;T&gt;                 the static type
     * @param   type                the dynamic type
     * @return                      the optional role
     * @since                       3.2-ALPHA-3
    public &lt;T&gt; Optional&lt;T&gt; maybeAs (@Nonnull Class&lt;? extends T&gt; type);

     * Searches for multiple adapters of the given type and returns them.
     * @param   &lt;T&gt;     the static type
     * @param   type    the dynamic type
     * @return          a collection of adapters, possibly empty
    public &lt;T&gt; Collection&lt;T&gt; asMany (@Nonnull Class&lt;? extends T&gt; type);

     * Creates a role type reference.
     * @param   &lt;T&gt;                 the static type
     * @param   type                the dynamic type
     * @return                      the type reference
     * @since                       3.2-ALPHA-12
    public static &lt;T&gt; Type&lt;T&gt; type (@Nonnull final Class&lt;?&gt; type) // FIXME: there's no static check of the argument
there's no static check of the argument
{ <span class="fc" id="L194"> return new Type&lt;&gt;(type);</span> } /******************************************************************************************************************* * * Returns a role for this object of the specified type. If the implementation can find multiple compliant * roles, only one will be returned. * * @param &lt;T&gt; the static type * @param type the type reference * @return the role * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12 * ******************************************************************************************************************/ @Nonnull public default &lt;T&gt; T as (@Nonnull final Type&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L211"> return as(type.getType());</span> } /******************************************************************************************************************* * * Returns the requested role or an empty {@link Optional}. * * @param &lt;T&gt; the static type * @param type the type reference * @return the optional role * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12 * ******************************************************************************************************************/ @Nonnull public default &lt;T&gt; Optional&lt;T&gt; maybeAs (@Nonnull final Type&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L227"> return maybeAs(type.getType());</span> } /******************************************************************************************************************* * * Returns the requested role or an empty {@link Optional}. * * @param &lt;T&gt; the static type * @param type the type reference * @return the roles * @since 3.2-ALPHA-12 * ******************************************************************************************************************/ @Nonnull public default &lt;T&gt; Collection&lt;T&gt; asMany (@Nonnull final Type&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L243"> return asMany(type.getType());</span> } } </pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a href="">JaCoCo</a></span></div></body></html>