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 * TheseFoolishThings: Miscellaneous utilities
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package it.tidalwave.util;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;

 * An extension to be used with Lombok in order to provide &quot;as&quot; support to classes that don't implement the {@link As}
 * interface. The typical usage is to retrofit legacy code.
 * FIXME: this class doesn't cache - every as*() call instantiates new objects.
this class doesn't cache - every as*() call instantiates new objects.
* * @author Fabrizio Giudici * **********************************************************************************************************************/ <span class="nc" id="L43">public class AsExtensions</span> { @Nonnull public static &lt;T&gt; T as (@Nonnull final Object datum, @Nonnull final Class&lt;T&gt; roleType) { <span class="nc" id="L48"> return adapter(datum).as(roleType);</span> } @Nonnull public static &lt;T&gt; Optional&lt;T&gt; maybeAs (@Nonnull final Object datum, @Nonnull final Class&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L54"> return adapter(datum).maybeAs(type);</span> } @Nonnull public static &lt;T&gt; Collection&lt;T&gt; asMany (@Nonnull final Object datum, @Nonnull final Class&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L60"> return adapter(datum).asMany(type);</span> } @Nonnull public static &lt;T&gt; T as (@Nonnull final Object datum, @Nonnull final As.Type&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L66"> return adapter(datum).as(type);</span> } @Nonnull public static &lt;T&gt; Optional&lt;T&gt; maybeAs (@Nonnull final Object datum, @Nonnull final As.Type&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L72"> return adapter(datum).maybeAs(type);</span> } @Nonnull public static &lt;T&gt; Collection&lt;T&gt; asMany (@Nonnull final Object datum, @Nonnull final As.Type&lt;? extends T&gt; type) { <span class="nc" id="L78"> return adapter(datum).asMany(type);</span> } @Nonnull private static As adapter (@Nonnull final Object datum) { <span class="nc" id="L84"> return As.forObject(datum);</span> } } </pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a href="">JaCoCo</a></span></div></body></html>