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#45 (Jan 5, 2025, 7:20:04 PM)

origin/master 2.0-ALPHA-2-SNAPSHOT a5fda9d7dd75
Started 2 mo 8 days ago
Took 50 sec

Started by an SCM change (5 times)

Revision: a5fda9d7dd75aa34cf0cdc94d76a1b97ee2deae0
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
Chuck Norris IconChuck Norris can access private methods.
  1. Upgraded SuperPOM to '5.10.1'. (details / bitbucketweb)
  2. STB-97: Fixed erroneous indexing of "File" menu. (details / bitbucketweb)
  3. STB-99: New Maven coordinates; next version is 2.0-ALPHA-1. (details / bitbucketweb)
  4. STB-107: New module Core; packages it.tidalwave.role.ui.* renamed to it.tidalwave.ui.*. (details / bitbucketweb)
  5. STB-106: MenuBarModel, ToolBarModel renamed to MenuBarControl and ToolBarControl, introduced JavaFXMenuBarControl,JavaFXToolBarControl. (details / bitbucketweb)
  6. Upgraded TheseFoolishThings to '4.0-ALPHA-2'. (details / bitbucketweb)
  7. STB-98: UI roles moved in from TheseFoolishThings. (details / bitbucketweb)
  8. STB-101: Replaced @javax.annotation.Nonnull, @javax.annotation.PostConstruct with @jakarta.annotation.Nonnull, @jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct. (details / bitbucketweb)
  9. STB-103: Better error diagnostics when there's an error referencing/loading FXML. (details / bitbucketweb)
  10. STB-102: PreferencesHandler is now injected to PresentationDelegates. (details / bitbucketweb)
  11. STB-105: Added bind() methods to bind unidirectionally and bidirectionally properties. (details / bitbucketweb)
  12. STB-104: bind(ButtonBase, UserAction) was erroneously setting an empty label to the button when the action has no Displayable. (details / bitbucketweb)
  13. Clean up. (details / bitbucketweb)
  14. STB-108: Fixed enablement of Buttons when UserAction enable property changes. (details / bitbucketweb)
  15. STB-100: Exceptions thrown by PresentationDelegate methods returning void are no more swallowed. (details / bitbucketweb)
  16. Updated copyright headers. (details / bitbucketweb)
  17. STB-109: The JavaFX thread check now throws IllegalStateException. (details / bitbucketweb)
  18. Added a few tests. (details / bitbucketweb)
  19. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.0-ALPHA-1 (details / bitbucketweb)
  20. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details / bitbucketweb)