Build History trend
 302 MB
origin/release/1.2-ALPHA-12 1.2-ALPHA-12-SNAPSHOT bf5a259865c5
 302 MB
UNKNOWN 1.2-ALPHA-12-SNAPSHOT d0e4dd00869d
 302 MB
UNKNOWN 1.2-ALPHA-12-SNAPSHOT 335174ee3b0b
 303 MB
UNKNOWN 1.2-ALPHA-12-SNAPSHOT 0ff1f862558c
 303 MB
UNKNOWN 1.2-ALPHA-12-SNAPSHOT 88670c31d519

Maven project NorthernWind :: Metrics (feature branches)

Builds NorthernWind running the QA tools.
Disk Usage Trend
Disk Usage Trend
Test Result Trend
Chuck Norris Icon The programs that Chuck Norris writes don't have version numbers because he only writes them once. If a user reports a bug or has a feature request they don't live to see the sun set.Chuck Norris Icon Chuck Norris can unit test an entire application with a single assert.
TestNG Results Trend
[Test result trend chart]
Code Coverage Trend
Aggregated Analysis Results
Java Compiler Warnings Trend
Maven Warnings Trend
CPD Duplications Trend
AspectJ Warnings Trend
SpotBugs Warnings Trend
PMD Warnings Trend
Open Tasks Trend
TestNG Results
Disk Usage
Directory iconJob2 GB
Directory iconAll builds1 GB
Directory iconLocked builds-
Directory iconAll workspaces2 GB
Directory iconSlave workspaces2 GB
Directory iconNon-slave workspaces-
Latest Test Result (no failures)
Latest Test Result (no failures)