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 * #%L
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 * NorthernWind - lightweight CMS
 * - git clone
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2023 Tidalwave s.a.s. (
 * %%
 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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 * *********************************************************************************************************************
 * #L%

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import it.tidalwave.util.Id;
import it.tidalwave.util.Key;
import it.tidalwave.util.LocalizedDateTimeFormatters;
import it.tidalwave.role.ContextManager;
import it.tidalwave.role.spi.DefaultContextManagerProvider;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.Content;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.HttpStatusException;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.Request;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.RequestContext;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.RequestLocaleManager;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.ResourcePath;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.ResourceProperties;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.Site;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.model.SiteNode;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.RenderContext;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.spi.DefaultRenderContext;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.impl.model.mock.MockContentSiteFinder;
import it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.impl.model.mock.MockSiteNodeSiteFinder;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import static java.util.Comparator.*;
import static*;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.util.CollectionFunctions.*;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.core.impl.model.mock.MockModelFactory.*;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.component.Properties.*;
import static*;
import static;
import static it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.component.nodecontainer.NodeContainerViewController.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

 * @author  Fabrizio Giudici
public class DefaultBlogViewControllerTest
    static class UnderTest extends DefaultBlogViewController
        public final List<Content> _fullPosts = new ArrayList<>();

        public final List<Content> _leadInPosts = new ArrayList<>();

        public final List<Content> _linkedPosts = new ArrayList<>();

        public final List<TagAndCount> tagsAndCount = new ArrayList<>();

        public UnderTest (@Nonnull final SiteNode siteNode,
                          @Nonnull final BlogView view,
                          @Nonnull final RequestLocaleManager requestLocaleManager)
            super(siteNode, view, requestLocaleManager);

        protected void renderPosts (@Nonnull final List<Content> fullPosts,
                                    @Nonnull final List<Content> leadinPosts,
                                    @Nonnull final List<Content> linkedPosts)

        protected void renderTagCloud (@Nonnull final Collection<TagAndCount> tagsAndCount)


    private static final String SITE_NODE_RELATIVE_URI = "/blogNode";

    private SiteNode siteNode;

    private UnderTest underTest;

    private ResourceProperties viewProperties;

    private RenderContext renderContext;

    private Request request;

    private RequestContext requestContext;

    private RequestLocaleManager requestLocaleManager;

    private MockPosts mockPosts;

    private final Id viewId = new Id("viewId");

    private void setup()
      throws Exception
        ContextManager.Locator.set(new DefaultContextManagerProvider()); // TODO: try to get rid of this

        final Site site = createMockSite();

        viewProperties = createMockProperties();
        final ResourceProperties siteNodeProperties = createMockProperties();

        siteNode = createMockSiteNode(site);

        final BlogView view = mock(BlogView.class);

        request = mock(Request.class);
        requestContext = mock(RequestContext.class);
        renderContext = new DefaultRenderContext(request, requestContext);

        requestLocaleManager = mock(RequestLocaleManager.class);

        mockPosts = new MockPosts(site, viewProperties);

        underTest = new UnderTest(siteNode, view, requestLocaleManager);

    @Test(dataProvider = "postRenderingTestData")
    public void must_properly_render_posts (final int seed,
                                            final int maxFullItems,
                                            final int maxLeadinItems,
                                            final int maxItems,
                                            @Nonnull final String pathParams,
                                            @Nonnull final String expectedTitle,
                                            @Nonnull final List<Integer> expectedFullPostIds,
                                            @Nonnull final List<Integer> expectedLeadInPostIds,
                                            @Nonnull final List<Integer> expectedLinkedPostIds)
      throws Exception
        // given
        // when
        // then
        underTest._fullPosts.forEach  (post ->">>>> full:    {}", post));
        underTest._leadInPosts.forEach(post ->">>>> lead in: {}", post));
        underTest._linkedPosts.forEach(post ->">>>> linked:  {}", post));

        final List<Integer> actualFullPostsIds   = getPostIds(underTest._fullPosts);
        final List<Integer> actualLeadInPostsIds = getPostIds(underTest._leadInPosts);
        final List<Integer> actualLinkedPostsIds = getPostIds(underTest._linkedPosts);
        assertThat("full posts",   actualFullPostsIds,   is(expectedFullPostIds));
        assertThat("leadIn posts", actualLeadInPostsIds, is(expectedLeadInPostIds));
        assertThat("all posts",    actualLinkedPostsIds, is(expectedLinkedPostIds));

        final List<Content> allPosts = concat(underTest._fullPosts, underTest._leadInPosts, underTest._linkedPosts);
        final List<ZonedDateTime> publishingDates = allPosts
                .map(post -> post.getProperty(Content.P_PUBLISHING_DATE).get())

        if (!"/tags".equals(pathParams))
            assertThat(underTest.tagsAndCount.size(), is(0)); // TODO: should be: method not called
            assertThat(underTest.tagsAndCount.size(), is(10));

    @Test(dataProvider = "postRenderingTestDataNotFound",
          expectedExceptions = HttpStatusException.class,
          expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = ".*httpStatus=404.*")
    public void must_throw_NotFound (final int seed,
                                     final int maxFullItems,
                                     final int maxLeadinItems,
                                     final int maxItems,
                                     @Nonnull final String pathParams)
      throws Exception
        // given
        // when
        // then should throw exception

    @Test(dataProvider = "postRenderingTestDataBadRequest",
          expectedExceptions = HttpStatusException.class,
          expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = ".*httpStatus=400.*")
    public void must_throw_BadRequest_with_bad_path_params (final int seed,
                                                            final int maxFullItems,
                                                            final int maxLeadinItems,
                                                            final int maxItems,
                                                            @Nonnull final String pathParams)
      throws Exception
        // given
        // when
        // then should throw exception

    @Test(dataProvider = "tagCloudRenderingTestData")
    public void must_properly_render_tag_cloud (final int seed,
                                                final List<TagAndCount> expectedTags)
      throws Exception
        // given
        // when
        // then
        final List<Content> allPosts = concat(underTest._fullPosts, underTest._leadInPosts, underTest._linkedPosts);
        assertThat("full posts",   underTest._fullPosts.size(), is(0));    // TODO: should be: method not called
        assertThat("leadIn posts", underTest._leadInPosts.size(), is(0));  // TODO: should be: method not called
        assertThat("all posts",    allPosts.size(), is(0));                // TODO: should be: method not called

        final List<TagAndCount> actualTacs = underTest.tagsAndCount
        actualTacs.forEach(tac ->">>>> {} ", tac));
        assertThat(actualTacs, is(expectedTags));

    @Test(dataProvider = "tagCloudRenderingTestData")
    public void must_properly_render_tag_cloud2 (final int seed, // TODO: dup code from the previous test
                                                final List<TagAndCount> expectedTags)
      throws Exception
        // given
        // when
        // then
        final List<Content> allPosts = concat(underTest._fullPosts, underTest._leadInPosts, underTest._linkedPosts);
        assertThat("full posts",   underTest._fullPosts.size(), is(0));    // TODO: should be: method not called
        assertThat("leadIn posts", underTest._leadInPosts.size(), is(0));  // TODO: should be: method not called
        assertThat("all posts",    allPosts.size(), is(0));                // TODO: should be: method not called

        final List<TagAndCount> actualTacs = underTest.tagsAndCount
        actualTacs.forEach(tac ->">>>> {} ", tac));
        assertThat(actualTacs, is(expectedTags));

    @Test(dataProvider = "postRenderingTestData")
    public void must_properly_set_dynamic_properties (final int seed,
                                                      final int maxFullItems,
                                                      final int maxLeadinItems,
                                                      final int maxItems,
                                                      @Nonnull final String pathParams,
                                                      @Nonnull final String expectedTitle,
                                                      @Nonnull final List<Integer> expectedFullPostIds,
                                                      @Nonnull final List<Integer> expectedLeadInPostIds,
                                                      @Nonnull final List<Integer> expectedLinkedPostIds)
      throws Exception
        // given
        // when
        // then
        if ((underTest.fullPosts.size() == 1) && underTest.leadInPosts.isEmpty() && underTest.linkedPosts.isEmpty())
            final Integer id = expectedFullPostIds.get(0);
            assertThat(underTest.fullPosts.get(0), is(mockPosts.getPosts().get(id)));
            verify(requestContext).setDynamicNodeProperty(eq(PD_TITLE),    eq(expectedTitle));

            final String sid = String.format("%2d", id);
            verify(requestContext).setDynamicNodeProperty(eq(PD_ID),       eq("id#" + sid));
            verify(requestContext).setDynamicNodeProperty(eq(PD_URL),      eq("" + sid + "/"));

            if (mockPosts.getPosts().get(id).getProperty(P_IMAGE_ID).isPresent())
                verify(requestContext).setDynamicNodeProperty(eq(PD_IMAGE_ID), eq("imageId#" + sid));
            // TODO: verify no more invocations
        else if (pathParams.startsWith("/index") || pathParams.startsWith("/tags"))
            verify(requestContext).setDynamicNodeProperty(eq(PD_TITLE),    eq(expectedTitle));
            // TODO: verify no more invocations
            verify(requestContext, never()).setDynamicNodeProperty(any(Key.class), any(Object.class));

     * TODO: parameterise
    public void must_properly_retrieve_virtual_nodes()
        // given
        // when
        final List<? extends SiteNode> children = underTest.findVirtualSiteNodes().results();
        // then
        final List<String> expectedUris = mockPosts.getPosts().stream()
                                               .map(c -> c.getExposedUri().get().prependedWith(SITE_NODE_RELATIVE_URI).asString())
        final List<String> actualUris =
                                                .map(n -> n.getRelativeUri().asString())
        assertThat(actualUris, is(expectedUris));

    public void must_properly_render_the_date (@Nonnull final String localeCode,
                                               @Nonnull final Optional<String> dateFormat,
                                               @Nonnull final ZonedDateTime dateTime,
                                               @Nonnull final Optional<String> timeZone,
                                               @Nonnull final String expectedValue)
        // given
        final Locale locale = new Locale(localeCode, localeCode);
        // default of RequestLocaleManager
        final DateTimeFormatter dtf = LocalizedDateTimeFormatters.getDateTimeFormatterFor(FormatStyle.FULL, locale)
        mockViewProperty(siteNode, viewId, P_DATE_FORMAT, dateFormat);
        mockViewProperty(siteNode, viewId, P_TIME_ZONE, timeZone);
        // when
        final String actualValue = underTest.formatDateTime(dateTime);
        // then
        assertThat(actualValue, is(expectedValue));

     * TODO: variations of the max parameters (including cases in which there are less posts than expected)
     * TODO: test categories
    private static Object[][] postRenderingTestData()
        return new Object[][]
           // seed full leadin max  pathParams          title   expected post ids (full / leadIn / linked)
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "",                 "",     List.of(69, 57, 63, 86, 44, 89, 18, 73, 16, 94),
                                                                List.of(12, 64, 39, 25,  4, 19, 32),
                                                                List.of( 3, 71, 80, 11, 99, 97, 62, 96, 38, 13, 90, 21, 48) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/post-10",         "Title #10",
                                                                List.of() },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/post-11",         "Title #11",
                                                                List.of() },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/post-43",         "Title #43",
                                                                List.of() },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/tag/tag3",        "",     List.of(44, 18, 16, 94, 25, 19, 32, 71, 11, 99),
                                                                List.of(21, 84, 30, 55, 74, 78, 45),
                                                                List.of(51, 43, 72, 68, 37, 46, 85, 77, 26, 76, 47, 17, 65) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/tag/tag5",        "",     List.of(57, 63, 89, 18, 94, 39, 25, 19, 32,  3),
                                                                List.of(71, 11, 62, 38, 13, 21, 84),
                                                                List.of(36, 30, 14, 74,  7, 31, 45, 52, 83,  2, 72, 68,  9) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/category1",       "",     List.of(44, 18, 12, 25, 19, 71, 99, 97, 90, 48),
                                                                List.of(75, 84, 54, 42, 15, 45, 51),
                                                                List.of(83, 72, 58, 26, 95, 28, 60, 93, 56, 59, 82, 91)     },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/category2",       "",     List.of(89, 94, 64,  3, 80, 38, 30, 29,  6, 14),
                                                                List.of(74, 78, 34, 43, 24, 52, 41),
                                                                List.of(46, 79, 85, 76, 53, 47, 65, 66, 61, 35, 49, 92, 23) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index",           "Post index",
                                                                List.of(69, 57, 63, 86, 44, 89, 18, 73, 16, 94, 12, 64, 39,
                                                                       25,  4, 19, 32,  3, 71, 80, 11, 99, 97, 62, 96, 38,
                                                                       13, 90, 21, 48, 75, 10, 84, 36, 30, 54, 29, 55,  6,
                                                                       42, 14, 74, 87, 20, 15,  7, 31, 78, 34, 45, 51, 43,
                                                                       24, 52, 83,  2, 72, 68,  9, 37, 58, 41, 46, 79, 85,
                                                                       77, 26, 88, 76, 33, 53, 47, 17, 65, 70,  5, 66,  1,
                                                                       61, 35, 40, 95, 28, 49, 60, 92, 23, 27, 93, 56, 59,
                                                                       82, 81, 98, 50, 67, 22,  8,  0, 91) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/tag/tag3",  "Posts tagged as 'tag3'",
                                                                List.of(44, 18, 16, 94, 25, 19, 32, 71, 11, 99, 21, 84, 30,
                                                                       55, 74, 78, 45, 51, 43, 72, 68, 37, 46, 85, 77, 26,
                                                                       76, 47, 17, 65, 70, 66,  1, 35, 28, 49, 60, 92, 27,
                                                                       93, 56, 98, 67, 91) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/tag/tag5",  "Posts tagged as 'tag5'",
                                                                List.of(57, 63, 89, 18, 94, 39, 25, 19, 32,  3, 71, 11, 62,
                                                                       38, 13, 21, 84, 36, 30, 14, 74,  7, 31, 45, 52, 83,
                                                                        2, 72, 68,  9, 37, 58, 79, 85, 77, 26, 88, 76, 47,
                                                                       17, 65, 70, 66, 40, 95, 28, 49, 27, 56, 59, 50, 22) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/category1", "Posts in category 'category1'",
                                                                List.of(44, 18, 12, 25, 19, 71, 99, 97, 90, 48, 75, 84, 54,
                                                                       42, 15, 45, 51, 83, 72, 58, 26, 95, 28, 60, 93, 56,
                                                                       59, 82, 91) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/category2", "Posts in category 'category2'",
                                                                List.of(89, 94, 64,  3, 80, 38, 30, 29,  6, 14, 74, 78, 34,
                                                                       43, 24, 52, 41, 46, 79, 85, 76, 53, 47, 65, 66, 61,
                                                                       35, 49, 92, 23, 27, 8) },

            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/tags",            "Tags",
                                                                List.of() },

            { 87,  10,  7,     30,  "",                 "",     List.of(88, 47, 25, 80, 28,  9, 13,  3, 43, 51),
                                                                List.of(30, 36, 22,  0, 35, 44, 49),
                                                                List.of(61, 29, 18, 90, 15, 32, 69, 45, 82, 20, 92, 33, 99) }

    private static Object[][] postRenderingTestDataNotFound()
        return new Object[][]
           // seed full leadin max  pathParams
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/nonexistent",            },
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/tag/nonexistent",        },
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/nonexistent",      },
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/tag/nonexistent",  }

    private static Object[][] postRenderingTestDataBadRequest()
        return new Object[][]
           // seed full leadin max  pathParams
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/uri/extra-stuff",            },
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/tag/tag5/extra-stuff"        },
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/category/extra-stuff"  },
            { 45,  10,  7,     30,  "/index/tag/tagX/extra-stuff"  }

    private static Object[][] tagCloudRenderingTestData()
        return new Object[][]
           // seed  expected result
            { 45,   List.of(new TagAndCount("tag8",  58, "1"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag9",  57, "2"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag1",  54, "3"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag10", 52, "4"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag5",  52, "4"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag7",  52, "4"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag2",  48, "5"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag4",  47, "6"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag3",  44, "7"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag6",  41, "8")) },

            { 87,   List.of(new TagAndCount("tag10", 55, "1"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag1",  53, "2"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag8",  52, "3"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag9",  52, "3"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag3",  48, "4"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag4",  46, "5"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag5",  46, "5"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag2",  44, "6"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag6",  43, "7"),
                            new TagAndCount("tag7",  43, "7")) }

    private Object[][] mainTitleTestDataProvider()
        return new Object[][]
            { "id1", "title1",  "<h2>title1</h2>\n"  },
            { "id2", "title 2", "<h2>title 2</h2>\n" },
            { "id3", "",        ""                   },
            { "id4", "  ",      ""                   }

    private Object[][] dateTestDataProvider()
        final ZonedDateTime dt = Instant.ofEpochMilli(1344353463985L).atZone(ZoneId.of("GMT"));

        final Optional<String> noPattern   = Optional.empty();
        final Optional<String> pattern     = Optional.of("EEEEEEEEEE, MMMMMM d, yyyy");
        final Optional<String> shortStyle  = Optional.of("S-");
        final Optional<String> mediumStyle = Optional.of("M-");
        final Optional<String> longStyle   = Optional.of("L-");
        final Optional<String> fullStyle   = Optional.of("F-");

        final Optional<String> tzNone      = Optional.empty();
        final Optional<String> tzGMT       = Optional.of("GMT");
        final Optional<String> tzCET       = Optional.of("CET");
        final Optional<String> tzPDT       = Optional.of("America/Los_Angeles");
        final Optional<String> tzGMT10     = Optional.of("GMT+10");

        return new Object[][]
           // loc.  format         value   timezone    expected value
            { "en", noPattern,     dt,     tzNone,     "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:31:03 PM CEST"},
            { "en", noPattern,     dt,     tzGMT,      "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:31:03 PM GMT"},
            { "en", noPattern,     dt,     tzCET,      "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:31:03 PM CEST"},
            { "en", noPattern,     dt,     tzPDT,      "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 8:31:03 AM PDT"},
            { "en", noPattern,     dt,     tzGMT10,    "Wednesday, August 8, 2012 1:31:03 AM GMT+10:00"},

            { "it", noPattern,     dt,     tzNone,     "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 17:31:03 CEST"},
            { "it", noPattern,     dt,     tzGMT,      "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 15:31:03 GMT"},
            { "it", noPattern,     dt,     tzCET,      "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 17:31:03 CEST"},
            { "it", noPattern,     dt,     tzPDT,      "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 8:31:03 PDT"},
            { "it", noPattern,     dt,     tzGMT10,    "mercoled\u00ec 8 agosto 2012 1:31:03 GMT+10:00"},

            { "en", pattern,       dt,     tzNone,     "Tuesday, August 7, 2012"},
            { "en", pattern,       dt,     tzGMT,      "Tuesday, August 7, 2012"},
            { "en", pattern,       dt,     tzCET,      "Tuesday, August 7, 2012"},
            { "en", pattern,       dt,     tzPDT,      "Tuesday, August 7, 2012"},
            { "en", pattern,       dt,     tzGMT10,    "Wednesday, August 8, 2012"},

            { "it", pattern,       dt,     tzNone,     "marted\u00ec, agosto 7, 2012"}, // FIXME: should be '7 agosto'
should be '7 agosto'
{ "it", pattern, dt, tzGMT, "marted\u00ec, agosto 7, 2012"}, { "it", pattern, dt, tzCET, "marted\u00ec, agosto 7, 2012"}, { "it", pattern, dt, tzPDT, "marted\u00ec, agosto 7, 2012"}, { "it", pattern, dt, tzGMT10, "mercoled\u00ec, agosto 8, 2012"}, { "en", shortStyle, dt, tzNone, "8/7/12 5:31 PM"}, { "en", shortStyle, dt, tzGMT, "8/7/12 3:31 PM"}, { "en", shortStyle, dt, tzCET, "8/7/12 5:31 PM"}, { "en", shortStyle, dt, tzPDT, "8/7/12 8:31 AM"}, { "en", shortStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "8/8/12 1:31 AM"}, { "it", shortStyle, dt, tzNone, "07/08/12 17:31"}, { "it", shortStyle, dt, tzGMT, "07/08/12 15:31"}, { "it", shortStyle, dt, tzCET, "07/08/12 17:31"}, { "it", shortStyle, dt, tzPDT, "07/08/12 8:31"}, { "it", shortStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "08/08/12 1:31"}, { "en", mediumStyle, dt, tzNone, "Aug 7, 2012 5:31 PM"}, { "en", mediumStyle, dt, tzGMT, "Aug 7, 2012 3:31 PM"}, { "en", mediumStyle, dt, tzCET, "Aug 7, 2012 5:31 PM"}, { "en", mediumStyle, dt, tzPDT, "Aug 7, 2012 8:31 AM"}, { "en", mediumStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "Aug 8, 2012 1:31 AM"}, { "it", mediumStyle, dt, tzNone, "7-ago-2012 17:31"}, { "it", mediumStyle, dt, tzGMT, "7-ago-2012 15:31"}, { "it", mediumStyle, dt, tzCET, "7-ago-2012 17:31"}, { "it", mediumStyle, dt, tzPDT, "7-ago-2012 8:31"}, { "it", mediumStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "8-ago-2012 1:31"}, { "en", longStyle, dt, tzNone, "August 7, 2012 5:31:03 PM"}, { "en", longStyle, dt, tzGMT, "August 7, 2012 3:31:03 PM"}, { "en", longStyle, dt, tzCET, "August 7, 2012 5:31:03 PM"}, { "en", longStyle, dt, tzPDT, "August 7, 2012 8:31:03 AM"}, { "en", longStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "August 8, 2012 1:31:03 AM"}, { "it", longStyle, dt, tzNone, "7 agosto 2012 17:31:03"}, { "it", longStyle, dt, tzGMT, "7 agosto 2012 15:31:03"}, { "it", longStyle, dt, tzCET, "7 agosto 2012 17:31:03"}, { "it", longStyle, dt, tzPDT, "7 agosto 2012 8:31:03"}, { "it", longStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "8 agosto 2012 1:31:03"}, { "en", fullStyle, dt, tzNone, "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:31:03 PM CEST"}, { "en", fullStyle, dt, tzGMT, "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:31:03 PM GMT"}, { "en", fullStyle, dt, tzCET, "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 5:31:03 PM CEST"}, { "en", fullStyle, dt, tzPDT, "Tuesday, August 7, 2012 8:31:03 AM PDT"}, { "en", fullStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "Wednesday, August 8, 2012 1:31:03 AM GMT+10:00"}, { "it", fullStyle, dt, tzNone, "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 17:31:03 CEST"}, { "it", fullStyle, dt, tzGMT, "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 15:31:03 GMT"}, { "it", fullStyle, dt, tzCET, "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 17:31:03 CEST"}, { "it", fullStyle, dt, tzPDT, "marted\u00ec 7 agosto 2012 8:31:03 PDT"}, { "it", fullStyle, dt, tzGMT10, "mercoled\u00ec 8 agosto 2012 1:31:03 GMT+10:00"}, }; } /******************************************************************************************************************* * ******************************************************************************************************************/ private static void assertSortedInReverseOrder (@Nonnull final List<ZonedDateTime> dates) { final List<ZonedDateTime> sorted = .sorted(comparing(ZonedDateTime::toEpochSecond).reversed()) .collect(toList()); assertThat("Improperly sorted", dates, is(sorted)); } /******************************************************************************************************************* * ******************************************************************************************************************/ private static List<Integer> getPostIds (@Nonnull final List<Content> posts) { return .map(s -> s.replaceAll("^.*Title # *([0-9]+).*$", "$1")) .map(Integer::parseInt) .collect(toList()); } }