Started 1 yr 8 mo ago
Took 3 min 50 sec

Build #60 (Apr 23, 2023, 11:35:13 PM)

origin/master 1.0-ALPHA-8-SNAPSHOT fc3cc20460fb
  1. Refactored. (details / bitbucketweb)
  2. Test metadata dump now also includes enums. (details / bitbucketweb)
  3. Fix for MST-175. (details / bitbucketweb)
  4. Tests refactored. (details / bitbucketweb)
  5. File replaced by Path where appropriate. (details / bitbucketweb)
  6. Added external iterators to Directory. (details / bitbucketweb)
  7. Refactored. (details / bitbucketweb)
  8. Added test. (details / bitbucketweb)
  9. Generated code excluded from coverage analysis. (details / bitbucketweb)
  10. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.0-ALPHA-7 (details / bitbucketweb)
  11. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details / bitbucketweb)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: fc3cc20460fb55554ea10ad91e9e6d51c343dee1
  • origin/master
Test Result (28 failures / ±0)Show all failed tests >>>
Chuck Norris IconChuck Norris can access the DB from the UI.
TestNG Results

Module Builds

 Mistral Code Generator18 sec
 Mistral6.6 sec
 Mistral Contributions15 sec
 Mistral Core1 min 43 sec
 Mistral Examples (master)0.82 sec
 Mistral Examples CustomOperation6.4 sec
 Mistral Examples HistogramViewer5.5 sec
 Mistral Examples Miscellaneous4.4 sec
 Mistral Examples Viewer6.8 sec
 Mistral (modules)5.5 sec
 Mistral Operations15 sec
 Mistral JAI Plugin (didn’t run)
 Mistral Processor7.6 sec
 Mistral Renderer6.5 sec